CBDT चेयरमैन ने यशोदा अस्पताल में लगवाया टीका


सीबीडीटी के चेयरमैन श्री पी सी मोदी एवं उनकी पत्नी श्रीमती  पूनम मोदी ने आज रविवार को यशोदा सुपर स्पेशलिटी हॉस्पिटल कौशांबी गाजियाबाद में कोरोनावायरस का टीका लगवाया.

श्री मोदी  को सिस्टर मैरी ने टीका लगाया एवं उनकी पत्नी को सिस्टर जूली ने टीका लगाया . टीका लगवा कर श्री मोदी एवं उनकी पत्नी ने कहा उन्हें टीका लगाकर विशेष प्रसन्नता हो रही है क्योंकि वह और उनकी पत्नी दोनों कोरोना से संक्रमित हुए थे और यशोदा हॉस्पिटल कौशांबी में ही भर्ती थे.

Written by capital khabar
Hits: 103

Spiritual Practices, Family Bonding and Wellness


As we all have experienced, life never is the bed of roses, everyone has to complete their own journey and their karma decided in their path; how it will be, but for sure; bundles of trouble and pain leads towards peace, divinity and humanity. Whereas the reformation has been done in the frame of spirituality. The one who believes that “nothing is permanent” and time is the best healer. We can see how materialistic life has become as the time passes however since Covid came to human's life, things have changed all of a sudden and most of us are capable enough to hold ourselves, protecting ourselves in such tough scenario. 

Why? Have you ever thought? Yes, because whatever we are doing we have seen and learn in our families, our tradition, where the various methods of sanitisation, religious activities etc. maintained by our ancestors, they sow the seeds of karma and spiritually in our DNA, millions of years before that is helping us and protecting us in every tough scenario. 

Written by Kalpana Chauhan
Hits: 441

#CovidVaccination: Yashoda Hospital Completes Second and Final Phase, Hospital Director Gets Vaccinated


New Delhi: On February 15, the second and final vaccine doses were given to those vaccinated in the first stage Covid vaccination campaign at Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital Kaushambi Ghaziabad, along with the certificate of final vaccination, downloaded from the Co-Win portal. At the same time, the people with first dose were also vaccinated at the Yashoda Kaushambi Center, in which the Executive Director of the hospital Mr. Shubhang Arora was also vaccinated.

Mr. Shubhang felt himself proud by getting the vaccine and he praised this vaccination campaign of the government and said that this is an unprecedented campaign which has brought India's name to the world and the way India has given vaccine to its neighboring countries. It is very commendable and we citizens today are proud of it. More than 100 people were vaccinated. The 65-year-old doctor of the hospital, Dr R K Mani, administered the second dose of vaccine and set an example for senior citizens.

Written by Khabar Bureau
Hits: 80
WhatsApp Image 2021 01 29 At 5.37.11 PM 1

यशोदा अस्पताल में कोरोना टीकाकरण प्रगति पर


यशोदा सुपर स्पेशलिटी हॉस्पिटल कौशांबी गाजियाबाद में  चौथे चरण के कोविड टीकाकरण का आयोजन आज 29 जनवरी 2021 को किया गया, हॉस्पिटल के निदेशक चिकित्सा प्रबंधन रिट० लेफ्ट० कर्नल डॉ राहुल शुक्ला ने कहा कि आज का टीकाकरण अभियान पूरी तरह से सफल रहा और आज का टीकाकरण का दिन टीकाकरण अभियान का कोआर्डिनेशन कर रहे लोगों के टीकाकरण के नाम रहा जिनमें महिलाओं ने बाजी मारी।

 यशोदा हॉस्पिटल कौशांबी की डायरेक्टर पेशेंट केयर सर्विसेज श्रीमती राधा राणा ने भी  टीका लगवाया, जिन्हे कोविड मरीजों की देख भाल के दौरान खुद कोरोना वायरस का संक्रमण हो गया था। उन्होंने कहा की यह एक सुखद अनुभव है और वो टीका लगने के बाद गर्व महसूस कर रही हैं। वहीं डॉ रूबी बंसल, डॉ सोमना गोयल मित्तल, डॉ प्रियंका अग्रवाल, डॉ दीपा तयाल, डॉ शालिनी जैन एवं मानव प्रबंधन विभाग की नेहा कुलकर्णी ने भी टीका लगवाया।

Written by capital khabar
Hits: 168

Senior Citizens Can Eliminate Loneliness and Corona Fear by Meditation: Swami Advaitananda


Senior citizens are the worst affected by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Majority of them were facing numerous challenges due to changing societal and family structure. The pandemic has left them more vulnerable and added to their loneliness as they became wary of stepping out.

However, where there are challenges there are rays of hopes. Heavenly Palace a senior citizen home invited His Holiness Swami Advaitananda, Chairman, International Meditation Foundation, who has devised transformative yogic techniques to help senior citizens overcome these challenges and fear and live a joyful life.

“We feel so delighted and encouraged to see the transformational change in the lives of senior citizens here,” said Anil Kumar Monga, Chairman, Dream and Beauty Charitable Trust.

Written by capital khabar
Hits: 1206