Common yet unheard of: PCOS


Image Source: parents.com

The issues related to women’s sexual, menstrual and reproductive health are severely stigmatised, under discussed and more often than not there are myths created surrounding them. The society that we live in has shunned and shamed women for mere bodily functions they have no control over.

Every one in 10 woman across the country suffers from PCOS, and out of every 10 women diagnosed with it 6 are teenage girls according to a study done by the PCOS society of India. Even after it being this common an issue amongst half the population it is rarely addressed, most women aren’t even aware of the existence this disorder. Every year on 1st September, the world PCOS day is celebrated worldwide to promote awareness about PCOS and to support those suffering from it, September is also regarded as PCOS awareness month. 

Written by Anushka Singh
Hits: 9734

Eating disorders and its perils


The times are unbearably exasperating with the presence of social media things have become as weary as a loud neighbor draining all sense of serenity within. There is a heightened interest in conventions of beauty resulting in objectification of both men and women. The weight of these conventions is bringing misery in lives of many. There is a spike in the rate of eating disorders. This problem is so grave that according to statistics by National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, a person fighting an eating disorder dies every 52 minutes. People fighting with body dysmorphia are not only in the limelight but are present around us.  

Written by Aman Bisht
Hits: 352



The Covid-19 pandemic caused major disruption in the administration of healthcare services in many countries across the globe. One of the many repercussions of the pandemic on healthcare was the major delay in the routine vaccinations of children. According to the data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 23 million children missed out on basic vaccines administered in their routine vaccination schedules in the year 2020. Moreover, the WHO report also states that approximately 80 million children under the age of 1 live in the countries where the regular child vaccination schedules have been disturbed by the pandemic. This unanticipated delay has put millions of children at risk of vaccine-preventable diseases such as Diphtheria, Measles, Polio, Hepatitis A & B, and so forth. 

Hits: 235

Guide to improve your spiritual wellness to fulfil all your wishes


There is a Chinese proverb, “Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are.” To comprehend this, we need to first focus on ‘I’. Who am I? Maybe in your desired reality, you are a doctor, a popular singer, a talented architect, and someone who is in healthy relationships. But why can’t you see it now, in 3D? There is one big obstacle between reality and your desired reality. And that is your mind. We need to train our minds to create a balance between, ‘never sit for less’ and accept reality.

People who are spiritually well don not despise the current reality. They just don not take distress about it like other people, rather they focus on solving the problems because they see life as a journey and there are ups and downs. They have a firm connection with their inner self, they value themselves, they deserve the best and there has to be some process to get what they want, sometimes the process is hard to tackle but the harder it is, the sweeter the results are. They are not afraid to cry when they want to but at the same time, they also believe that short-term sorrow will provide them with long-term bliss. And most importantly they trust the Universe’s law, unlike the law of court, it can never fail in providing justice.

Written by Saumya Sinha
Hits: 130

Eating disorders and its perils


The times are unbearably exasperating with the presence of social media things have become as weary as a loud neighbor draining all sense of serenity within. There is a heightened interest in conventions of beauty resulting in objectification of both men and women. The weight of these conventions is bringing misery in lives of many. There is a spike in the rate of eating disorders. This problem is so grave that according to statistics by National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, a person fighting an eating disorder dies every 52 minutes. People fighting with body dysmorphia are not only in the limelight but are present around us.  

Written by Aman Bisht
Hits: 99