I am not an expert in the field. However, based on my innumerable observations of mortality and worsening progression of the infection of COVID 19 I have reached the following conclusions:
1. Early use of steroids, anticoagulants, remdesivir and convalescent plasma are helpful.
2. If FIO2 reaches close to 60 to 70 percent on noninvasive BIPAP ventilation immediately consider going for invasive ventilation and intensive monitoring like regular ABG etc.
Do not delay invasive ventilation.
3. Early active intervention is the key. Do not delay. Condition may worsen suddenly.
4. Always use pulse oxymeter to measure oxygen saturation if one is positive with minimal symptoms.
Seek early intervention and oxygen support if saturation is around 94-95 percent.
On slightest breathlessness seek immediate medical attention.
5. All the diabetics and hypertensives without end organ damage keep your blood sugar and BP under control.
Take extra precautions.
6. Those with heart disease and kidney disease just go in hibernation for next 2 months.
Do not take chances.
7. Those who think ventilators do not save are living in fool's paradise.
However, ventilators must be used by the experts and not by any Tom, Dick and Harry.
With regular intensive monitoring.
Ventilation with poor monitoring of blood and clinical parameters is disastrous.
8. In case of mild symptoms like cough, fever, fatigue and breathlessness get tested early.
Rapid antigen/RT PCR if antigen negative and HRCT.
If I am wrong any expert can rectify me. However, these are my solid observations.
(The author is an Orthopedic Surgeon and Secretary, Indian Medical Association, Begusarai (Bihar) Branch)