Spiritual Practices, Family Bonding and Wellness


As we all have experienced, life never is the bed of roses, everyone has to complete their own journey and their karma decided in their path; how it will be, but for sure; bundles of trouble and pain leads towards peace, divinity and humanity. Whereas the reformation has been done in the frame of spirituality. The one who believes that “nothing is permanent” and time is the best healer. We can see how materialistic life has become as the time passes however since Covid came to human's life, things have changed all of a sudden and most of us are capable enough to hold ourselves, protecting ourselves in such tough scenario. 

Why? Have you ever thought? Yes, because whatever we are doing we have seen and learn in our families, our tradition, where the various methods of sanitisation, religious activities etc. maintained by our ancestors, they sow the seeds of karma and spiritually in our DNA, millions of years before that is helping us and protecting us in every tough scenario. 


Now, the time has come to rebuild, refresh and implement all the logical and realistic thought process in our lives. Same shall also be inculcated in next generation and one will never know where theses sacraments may help one to face any challenges in ones’ life and same will go on and on. Time gives us opportunities to take care of ourselves and our families to make strong bonding with the help of spiritually. Kids always follow whatever they observe like we did in our childhood.  Therefore, we have to take care of their upbringing, we have to make them understand, the law of karma, “what goes around, comes back” like the needle of the watch, how to treat others, how to develop character, how to utilise the resources, how they can see their individual responsibilities etc. 

Before making them understand we should accept and implement all these principles in our lives as these will get automatically passed on to the next generation. Spiritual beliefs and practices have anchored and nourished families over the millennia and across cultures. Today, the vast majority of families world-wide adopt some form of expression for their spiritual needs, both within and outside organised religion. It really doesn’t matter how small steps one is taking now but for sure helping in creating the fundamental values and virtues that can help them throughout their lives. Every individual has to contribute in their journey. You don't have to be religious to have a strong spiritual life, rather have to be spiritual to be religious.

As we see corona virus pandemic is very scary and full of negativity, many of us become so weak and depressed because of life insecurities, job insecurities and other responsibilities but we should never forgot that it will also impact on family, we safely and cautiously sailed out of 2020 and made it memorable, instead of scary. So start learning and practicing spirituality.


Spirituality is a powerful dimension of human experience and family life. Time to introduce our culture and customs, our religious and spiritual activities to balance our lives and mental health. We should know how to priorities things in our lives to frame it peaceful and beautiful. In ancient times, we had various family bonding activities, religious festivals and family functions in which we celebrate together by distributing responsibilities according to our strength and willingness. These activities start building and develop leadership along with emotional ethical abilities in every individual. It starts teaching themselves how important it is and how theses spiritual and religious activities helps us in the form of rituals knowingly or sometimes unknowingly, but this only happens when every individual have the same thought process and upbringing, with the help of such things and easily adopted and implemented.

We always remember it is not necessary our thought process and spirituality to be accepted by the all the family members. One should not panic or take stress and feel as if you are the only wisest person in the family and others need to change themselves. Infact, we should work on ourselves so the aura and the vibration can attract each other mutually. We should share our knowledge and views to them and over a period of time they may feel to accept to start practicing. 

The bottom line is that stop judging others, we only have to share our experiences instead of getting hurt by other's criticism. We should be focused on our track so others could get inspired from us.  The aura and energies so created will let them follow the path that would be evident slowly. Things will change and move towards light with love, care and gratitude. 


Gratitude is thankfulness that delivers by ones behaviour and attitude. We should understand the value of time and life very insightfully. 

If the spirituality gets developed, we feel the whole world is a family.  Love and bond so developed would be  limit-less. We  will not be hurt and panic in any circumstances. We can overcome with sufferings and will know how to deal with such things easily and patiently. Our logic our though moves into the shape of peace and pleasure; the light which keeps us light and strong by emotionally and physically. As We will start getting sense of belongingness not only to  our family but  to the whole world and we have to help and support each like a guardian to identified their own unique spiritual path;  to rediscover them in the journey of life;  and this will continue with the time trap in the fragrance of gratitude .

(The writer is an IT professional with an MNC and is also active with Uttarakhand Cultural Centre in New Delhi)


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