Everybody’s Favourite Mayonnaise Deleterious for Health


New Delhi: Commercial mayonnaise is usually made with unhealthy fats and offers very little nutrition. Most types of mayonnaise found at the grocery store, including the low-fat and low-calorie versions, may negatively affect your health.
Mayonnaise and often abbreviated as mayo is a thick, creamy dressing often used as a condiment. It is a stable emulsion of oil, egg yolk, and either vinegar or lemon juice,with many options for embellishment with other herbs and spices. Mayonnaise varies in color, but is often white, cream, or pale yellow. It may range in texture from that of light cream to a thick gel.
Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 1164

Aloe Vera: A Health Basket


New Delhi: You can drink it, you can put it on your face and you can even eat it. Aloe Vera is an ingredient that needs no introduction. It has become a rage in the beauty and health world because of its beneficial properties.

The green prickly plant that grows in dry regions is not just great for your skin; it’s also packed with nutrients and is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Ithas the ability to help treat everything from constipation to diabetes. 

Aloe Vera, sometimes described as a "wonder plant," is a short-stemmed shrub. Aloe is a genus that contains more than 500 species of flowering succulent plants. Many Aloes occur naturally in North Africa.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 1053

A Perfect Guide To Prevent Seasonal Hair Loss


New Delhi: Many women begin to notice significant hair loss during seasonal change especially in autumn, particularly in late September, October and November, leading many to believe that hair loss could be seasonal.

Around this time of year many women become aware of more hair being lost during washing or brushing than normal.

Written by Neeti Jha / Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 1296

All You Need To Know About the Common Yet Ignored Allergic Rhinitis


New Delhi: Are you constantly sneezing and coughing and you are compelled to think whether cold-like symptoms — the sneezing, congestion, and runny nose — have something to do with the recent weather change. If you get similar symptoms at the same time every year, then you're likely right: seasonal allergies are at work. 

Prevalence of allergic diseases including asthma, rhinitis, anaphylaxis, food, drug or insect allergy, is rising worldwide affecting about 10-25% of population being one of the top ten reasons for visit to primary care physicians. Though it often adversely affects the quality of life; in India allergic rhinitis is often regarded as trivial disease and patients fail to attribute the ill health to its symptoms.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 976