A Perfect Guide To Prevent Seasonal Hair Loss


New Delhi: Many women begin to notice significant hair loss during seasonal change especially in autumn, particularly in late September, October and November, leading many to believe that hair loss could be seasonal.

Around this time of year many women become aware of more hair being lost during washing or brushing than normal.

Humans tend to shed between 50 and 100 hairs every day, a direct result of the hair growth phases. A typical strand of hair has a life cycle of between 24 and 72 months (2 and 6 years) during which time it will grow normally. However around 10 per cent of a person’s hair may be in a “resting” phase (known as telogen), at which point the hair can fall out.
Research suggests that women experience slightly higher rates of telogen during the month of July, which sees the affected hairs falling out around 100 days later, in late September to November. Exactly why this happens is unclear, but some suggest that stress brought on by summer heat may provide some explanation.
How to Know If the Hair Fall Is Seasonal? 
Hair loss in October and November may have been a purely seasonal phenomenon for many women, the results of which are barely visible. However, some women may have found themselves losing much more every day than the 50 to 100 one would generally expect. It is only through close observation that you can know for sure. A good indication of whether you are experiencing excessive hair fall is to look at your parting – often, thinning hair will cause the parting to look wider.
Although some hair loss is perfectly normal, so is the re-growth. Occasionally people may lose significant amounts of hair on a daily basis, but speedy re-growth means that the loss is not noticeable.
If you notice slow re-growth, or hair falling out in a specific pattern, such as at the temples or the crown, this could be an indicator of a more permanent underlying hair loss condition.
Typically, consistent shedding in specific areas around the top of the scalp is known in women as female pattern hair loss, or Androgenic Alopecia to give it its scientific name.
What to Do?
There is no alternative to oiling your hair and it is high time you learned that. You need to massage hot coconut oil into your scalp and the length of your hair at least once a week. If you fail to do this you will have hair fall irrespective of the season. The frequency of a good oil massage should be increased during autumn and winter because during these seasons your hair is prone to dryness.
Use a hair pack of henna and curd to keep your hair nourished. Henna is very good for strengthening the roots of your hair. If your hair is brittle then it will fall out at the slightest change of weather conditions. 
Tying your hair is another alternative to prevent hair loss. Plait your hair before you go to bed. This avoids hair fall due to wear and tear. Even while going out you can tie your hair in fashionable hairstyles so that minimum damage due to weather conditions take place. If your hair is plaited then it won't absorb all the dirt from rain water. 
Use protective clothing like scarves and hats to protect your hair. When your hair is already weak due to the turn of season a blowing gush of wind will ruffle it to make knots. You lose a lot of hair while combing through those knots. Especially freshly washed hair that we leave open to dry is prone to forming tangles so if you are leaving home immediately after washing your hair, carry a scarf. 
You can also carry protective gear like umbrellas to keep out the sun or the rain. These are seasonal adjustments in your lifestyle that help you to prevent seasonal hair loss because your hair is precious.
Home Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss:
1. Egg white and curd paste
Ingredients: Eggs, Shikakai powder and Fresh curd
Take egg white of three eggs in a bowl. Add 2 table spoons of fresh curd.
Mix them and then add shikakai powder.
Apply generously on scalp. Leave it 30 min
Wash off. Repeat it once in a week
2. Cinnamon powder and olive oil
Ingredients: Olive oil, Honey and Cinnamon powder
Add two table spoons of olive oil and two table spoons of honey in a bowl.
Mix the mixture. Add cinnamon powder of one table spoon. Mix the paste till it gets smooth.
Apply on scalp and hair. Leave it for 20-30 min.
Wash off. For better results use these remedies once in a week.
3. Onion and honey
Ingredients: Onion and Honey
Take a onion and cut into two pieces. Take one part of onion make into smooth paste.
Add two tablespoons of honey to onion paste. Apply on scalp
Leave it for 15min min .wash off with warm water.
Use this process regularly for twice a week to prevent hair loss.
4. Neem leaves juice
Ingredients:  Neem leaves and Water
Boil fresh neem leaves in water. Until it reduces half in its quantity.
Wash your hair and scalp with this water mixture.
Repeat this process once or twice a week regularly to prevent hair loss.

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