Beware! Reheating These Food Can Be Poisonous For You


New Delhi: Most of the time we hear that cooked food is safer and healthier than the raw one, but it turns out that's not always true. While most of these foods won't make you keel over within minutes of ingestion, they could make you feel sick temporarily or the negative effects can build up in your system over time.
There are few common food habits which can make us fall sick. There are many of us who would last night’s dinner when we are tired or just don’t feel like cooking. However, this might not be the best thing to do: research shows that reheating some of your favourite foods can be dangerous for your health, especially if they are not stored correctly. 
Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 2524

Meat And Health: Fortified With Vitamins Or Cause Of C…?


New Delhi: Adding that studies from the past three decades indicate that meat is bad for the human body, Union Minister Maneka Gandhi on Monday said, “First you eat meat, and then meat eats you.” Stating that every part of the human body is vegetarian, she explained that the body becomes vulnerable to diseases when alien substances like meat are put into it.
She made a pitch for vegetarianism at the launch of a film ‘The Evidence-Meat Kills’, directed by Mayank Jain, that scientifically explores the effects of meat consumption on human body. She said humans are natural vegetarians and meat consumption harms them. “When we put an alien substance like meat into the human body, we become prone to diseases and if you do this on a daily basis your body will weaken. You will not die of eating meat, but it will certainly weaken your body, making it more vulnerable to diseases." She adds.
Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 10341

A Complete Guide for Your Pre and Post workout Diet


New Delhi: Regular exercise and workout are important to keep the body fit and healthy. It is therefore essential to consume nutritious and healthy food while keeping the body hydrated in order to keep it well for a long run.
The most underestimated of our daily diets are the pre and post workout meals. As they suggest, these are the meals you eat before and after your workout, applicable to those who pay heed to fitness. Even though there is logic, science and some common sense behind these meals, there are a multitude of theories floating around about what we should and shouldn’t eat. This can be very confusing and complicated.  
Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 18586

Tea As Wellness Drink; A Few Counter Points Too


New Delhi: It's always a good time with a cup of tea. In the morning, black tea can provide the boost of energy you need to start your day, while in the evening, herbal tea can serve as a relaxing drink before bed. Depending on how much tea you drink and its specific type; tea has the potential to lead to some unpleasant side effects also.
Tea in India only gained popularity as a national beverage in the 19th century after the British began to create large scale tea plantation in order to ensure adequate supplies for their country’s growing thirst. India is one of the world’s largest suppliers of tea, and yet because of this very recent history, tea has not had time to appropriate any elaborate tea rituals like in Japan or China, where tea met perfection in the art of Cha-no-yu, or the Japanese tea ceremony and was considered a medicinal staple. Although not ritualized, tea is more a part of everyday life at home, work, on the streets and while travelling.
Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 1119

With Rising Population, Nation Needs more Modern Contraceptive Plans like ‘Antara and Chhaya’


New Delhi: Government has launched two new free contraceptives, an injectable drug and a pill, expanding the basket of choices for the country’s population to meet their family planning needs.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched the injectable contraceptive MPA under the ‘Antara’ programme and a contraceptive pill, ‘Chhaya’, in the public health system.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 1590