Tea As Wellness Drink; A Few Counter Points Too


New Delhi: It's always a good time with a cup of tea. In the morning, black tea can provide the boost of energy you need to start your day, while in the evening, herbal tea can serve as a relaxing drink before bed. Depending on how much tea you drink and its specific type; tea has the potential to lead to some unpleasant side effects also.
Tea in India only gained popularity as a national beverage in the 19th century after the British began to create large scale tea plantation in order to ensure adequate supplies for their country’s growing thirst. India is one of the world’s largest suppliers of tea, and yet because of this very recent history, tea has not had time to appropriate any elaborate tea rituals like in Japan or China, where tea met perfection in the art of Cha-no-yu, or the Japanese tea ceremony and was considered a medicinal staple. Although not ritualized, tea is more a part of everyday life at home, work, on the streets and while travelling.
Cha-ya is the preferred style of tea sold on the streets, in train stations and in restaurants. Cha-ya is strong black tea, spiced with cardamom, fennel, cloves or other spices, sweetened with sugar and mixed with milk for a sweet and creamy beverage that many Westerners would know as Chai tea. This tea can be drunk alone, but is often enjoyed with few savory snacks like samosas. Usually street vendors or train stations will sell this tea in small clay cups that are only used once. Whether enjoyed on the street or at home, Cha-ya provides respite from the heat or weariness from travel or work.
Types of Teas:
While all tea comes from the same plant, the Camellia sinensis, there exist hundreds of kinds of teas, with their own individual appearance, taste, and aroma. Like wine or coffee, every harvest of tea will vary year to year due to changes in climate, rainfall, and other seasonal conditions. Thus, tea from the same plantation or garden may taste very different from one year to the next. Moreover, a particular tea gains much of its individual character from how the leaves are cultivated and processed.
To make sense of all the varieties possible, teas can be placed in several categories. The most common categories used today are green, white, oolong, black, and fermented. These categories refer to how much a tea is oxidized or, in tea terminology, fermented.
All types of tea are beneficial, though research has shown that some types may contain higher levels of certain polyphenols than others. For example, green tea is higher in catechins than black tea, though black tea contains the aflavins that green tea does not, due to the higher oxidation.
Ideally, one would try to consume a variety of teas to be able to reap the unique health benefits of each type.
Following, a study of more than half a million people over 16 years that shows those who drank the most coffee had a reduced risk of premature death from any cause. But what if you’re reaching for a cup of tea instead? 
Don’t panic: a compound present in tea could help gut bacteria fight infections and prevent severe influenza. Regular tea drinkers have also been found to live longer than average; says scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine in the latest issue of the journal, Science. So, if you want to live longer, you can pop the kettle on.  
Nutritional value of Tea:
No fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, and calories are present in unsweetened tea. However, when sweeteners like sugar and honey are added to tea, carbohydrates and calories are added to the body. Calcium, protein, vitamin A, iron and calories are supplemented by the addition of milk in Tea. 
Benefits of drinking Tea: 
The tradition of drinking tea to maintain good health goes a long way back. In early Buddhist texts and Chinese manuals on healing herbs, Camellia sinensis (the tea plant) is consistently described as being a potent medicine for promoting good health and longevity, as well as keeping the mind alert and sharp and treating many ailments, from indigestion to the common cold. In our modern society, we are learning that there is quite a bit of scientific evidence to support many of these ancient claims. Medical and health care professionals agree that drinking tea has many benefits and is a healthy addition to any diet.
First let us look at the benefits of chai tea with regards to the ingredients present in it:
1. Cardamom
In the digestion process, cardamom greatly helps. The immune system is also strengthened by cardamom. This medicine is present in different ingredients. Helping the body against different respiratory diseases, and enabling good circulation of blood throughout the body are some benefits of tea. Some research has also shown that cardamom has antioxidant properties present in it.
2. Ginger
Ginger present in tea, provides a number of benefits. Some of the major benefits of ginger include its benefit in reducing the inflammation in the body and strengthening the immune system. Many inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and osteoarthritis can also be kept under control by the use of the ginger. In addition to this, ginger has many antioxidant properties. In a study, it was found that ginger affects the hepatic antioxidant enzyme.
3. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is also quite beneficial for controlling the blood sugar. The digestion process is also made easier due to cinnamon. Cinnamon also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
4. Fennel
There is also fennel in tea. In fennel, vitamin C and fiber are present. Fennel is also beneficial for cancerous patients.
5. Black pepper
For metabolism, black pepper is quite helpful. Some research has shown that black pepper helps against fat storage in the body and keeps the fats in the body, to a minimum level. Also, black pepper is quite beneficial against the bacteria and gastrointestinal diseases.
6. Clove
Clove is also present in tea and is quite beneficial. It can help fight the ulcer pain and aid in the digestion process. Some antibacterial properties are also present in clove.
Now let us move on to the general benefits of chai tea. Some of the general benefits of chai tea:
1. Antioxidant properties-Temperature or caffeine have no effect on the antioxidant properties of caffeine, according to Indiana University School of Medicine. It doesn’t matter that for your chai, you use black or green tea, you will still get all the antioxidant benefits of the tea.
2. Anti-inflammatory properties-Different inflammatory conditions can be treated due to the presence of ginger in chai tea. This is the reason that chai tea is recommended by Ayurveda (a natural healing system in the Indian Culture). Ginger has been praised due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Other than ginger, the cloves present in chai tea also have anti-inflammatory properties. 
3. Fighting anxiety and depression-It helps fight the symptoms of depression. The main reason of the relieving of depression is due to the caffeine present in tea. The caffeine makes a person active and full of energy. So when a depressive patient takes caffeine, he feels relieved. It soothes the mind and body. Also the depressive feelings are eliminated when cardamom is added in tea.
4. Strengthening the immune system-Immune system can be made strong due to tea. Immune system is boosted due to the presence of cardamom and ginger in tea. Some common diseases such as headache, cold etc. can be treated by tea as it strengthens the immune system.
5. Aid in digestion-Digestion is aided by tea. Cinnamon aids in digestion as it helps against diarrhea and nausea. However, the main ingredient of tea which aids in digestion is black pepper. When black pepper enters the system, it helps the pancreas in the secretion of certain enzymes, which fastens the whole process of digestion of the foods which take time to digest like fats.
Side effects of Tea that compel you to drop the cup:
As tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world second only to water it is important that you not only know the health benefits of tea but that you're also aware of the potential bad effects of tea on health. 
Medical health studies and research are showing that there are some side effects of tea that have a bad effect on your health. These potential tea side effects include:
1. Hot tea may increase the risk of esophageal cancer:
A study showed that drinking tea that is too hot may increase your risk of developing esophageal cancer. The study examined regular drinkers of black tea. Those who drank their tea hot(65-69°C/149-156°F) or very hot(over 70°C/158°) were more likely to develop esophageal cancer. It further found that those who drank their tea within 3 minutes of pouring had a greater cancer risk than those who allowed their tea to cool for 4 or more minutes prior to drinking.
2. Tea may increase the risk of prostate cancer:
Research from the University of Glasgow linked heavy tea drinking with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. The research indicated that who drank seven or more cups of tea a day had a 50% higher risk of prostate cancer than those who drank little to no tea (0 to 3 cups daily). Along with other factors may have contributed to the results, including age, diet, stress, family history, etc.
3. Tea may have negative caffeine side effects. 
Tea naturally contains caffeine. While the benefits of caffeine include increased energy and alertness, if you consume too much or are sensitive to caffeine, you may experience some negative side effects. Common negative caffeine side effects include difficulty sleeping, increased heart rate, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and more. Remember that caffeine can be addictive. If you reduce it or eliminate it completely, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, irritability, and nausea.
4. Skeletal Fluorosis
Drinking too much tea may lead to skeletal fluorosis, a painful condition in your bones, according to "The New England Journal of Medicine." A 2013 article in the journal cited the case of a woman with this condition who drank excessive amounts of black tea for nearly two decades. Black tea contains fluoride, which has the potential of harming your bones if you consume it in large amounts for a lengthy period of time. Moderate tea consumption, however, has minimal risk.
5. Dangers for breastfeeding and pregnant women
Breastfeeding and pregnant women should be careful while consuming chai tea because it contains many spices and herbs. Many side effects can be caused by these herbs. The main herbs which you need to avoid during pregnancy include burdock, guarana, parsley, thyme, sage, uva ursi, damiana and comfrey. Avoid drinking the brand of chai tea which contains any of these herbs.
Other effects include-
Other than the above mentioned side effects, there are more side effects of tea. Iron deficiency can be caused in case a person consumes too much tea. Absorption of iron in the stomach becomes a tedious task when tea is consumed, due to the various compounds present in it. Also, another side effect of tea is that it can interact with different drugs. So, if you take several medications, it is a good idea to consult your doctor.
Also, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, drinking tea might increase your risk of colorectal cancer, lung cancer and esophageal cancer. Additionally, green tea as well might cause complications among those with anxiety, high blood pressure and stomach ulcers.

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