Sweat It Out to Heel Your Leg Ulcer


New Delhi: Patients with leg ulcers, you may want to hit the gym as according to a recent study, exercise may help you heal faster.
Leg Ulcer:
A leg ulcer is simply a break in the skin of the leg, which allows air and bacteria to get into the underlying tissue. This is usually caused by an injury, often a minor one that breaks the skin.
In most people such an injury will heal up without difficulty within a week or two. However, when there is an underlying problem the skin does not heal and the area of breakdown can increase in size. This is a chronic leg ulcer.
Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 930

Just Two Sugary Drinks per Week May Raise Type 2 Diabetes Risk, Says Study


New Delhi: Two cans of fizzy pop a week is enough to increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, warns new research.

A recent study suggested that two soda drinks every day makes consumers 2.4 times more likely to develop diabetes, regardless of whether these beverages contain sugar or not.

Researchers say the drinks are “energy dense” and their consumption has been associated with excessive caloric intake and subsequent weight gain.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 961

Scientists Confirm New Dengue Virus In Tamil Nadu


New Delhi:At a time when dengue, a mosquito-borne viral disease, is already creating havoc in several parts of the country, scientists have spotted a new genetic variant of the existing dengue virus for the first time in the country.
Scientists at Pune-based National Institute of Virology (NIV), who spotted it and had been tracking it, said the new virus of an Asian genotype (genetic structure) was a concern. The mosquito-borne DENV-1 virus is said to have entered into India from Singapore, where it was associated with severe and extensive epidemics in Singapore in 2005 and Sri Lanka in 2009.
Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 2498

Use These Tips for Healthy Hair in Winters


New Delhi: Winters cause a lot of dryness for the skin and hair, so it's very important to pamper yourself more in winters to achieve healthy skin and hair. Already the hair is dry so reduce the use of blow dryers and other hair equipment which cause heat to the hair.

Ever notice how your hair changes in texture or shine during the winter months?

Sometimes it’s dry, other times it has its own static charge, and it never seems to hold a hairstyle once you step outside. Something’s in the air, and not necessarily in a good way.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 936

Reasons To Say No To Incense Sticks


New Delhi:From temples in Asia, to hippy hangouts in the West, incense is burned all over the world. No Indian puja is ever complete without ringing of bells and showing agarbattis (incense sticks) to the deities.

Millions of Hindus, Buddhists and Christians use these to purify and freshen the air, and as an essential part of their holy ceremonies.But there is a reason you should think twice before lighting another incense stick, especially if you take pride in being a non-smoker. According to a number of studies, you might be inhaling something more dangerous than the cigarette smoke itself.

Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 8344