Warm Soups to Help You Get Through the Winter


New Delhi: There’s no doubt that winter is nearly here. And the best way to prepare, besides getting out your winter clothing, is to gather soul-warming soup recipes. 
When the weather gets colder and you can feel it in your bones, nothing is better than a hot bowl of soup to warm you up. A bowl of soup that is so hearty and satisfying, it’s a meal in itself. A soup can do what a medicine never can - soothe and relax you in an inexplicable way when you're down with cold, cough and fever. It's by far the most comforting food, not to mention, healthy and delicious too.
Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 1069

Tofu: Health Benefits, Uses, And Possible Risks


New Delhi: Everyone knows that protein is an important part of a healthy diet, but how many people have a real sense of all the natural ways where they can get some?
Sure, meat and other animal products are full of protein, but shouldn't there be a healthy, tasty protein option for vegans and vegetarians?
There is, and the answer is tofu.
Tofu, also called bean curd, is made from soy beans, or, more specifically, soy beans ground into soy milk. It is naturally gluten-free and low in calories. It contains no cholesterol and is an excellent source of iron, and calcium.
Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 1018

Make These Dry Fruits Your Best Friend to Stay Fit in All Season


New Delhi: A healthy choice to make, a perfect indulgence and moreover a stomach filler, you can never go wrong opting for dry fruits. These are energy rich and provide you with all the essentials your body is craving for. Easily eatable and acts as a back up at times when your refrigerator is empty, requires no hard work to break the crunch. It is said to be a little expensive supplement for healthy body, but do not refrain yourself as the Health benefits it shower over you is huge.
Dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, dates, raisins etc. are traditionally known to be a powerhouse of nutrients.Here is a list of five commonly available and super-nutritious dry fruits that should be consumed every day for all the health benefits that they possess.
Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 1005

UK Is Most Obese Country In Western Europe, OECD Study Reveals


New Delhi: Obesity rates have doubled over the past two decades and some countries have a bigger obese population than others.The UK is the most overweight country in Western Europe, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has recently stated.
OECD says, “Over 63 percent of adults in Britain are overweight.” The 2017 Obesity Update report found that the UK is the sixth fattest nation out of 35 OECD member countries, with a 27 percent adult obesity rate.
Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 4030

In Stark Contrast To First World Countries, Doctors In India Spends Hardly 2 Minutes With Patients


New Delhi:The next time you visit your doctor for consultation, you might want to take a look at your watch to see for how long the consultation session really lasts. Because, according to a recent study, the length of medical consultation, also called as primary care consultancy, on an average is 2 minutes in India.
The study published in medical journal, BMJ Open, which is the largest international study on consulting time, has revealed that India is listed among the worst.While in stark contrast, consultation time in first world countries like Sweden, Norway, USA, is more than 20 minutes on an average.

Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 946