The Uncertain Deaths of the Sports Personalities


New Delhi: The recent incident brought shock waves in the sport federation of the nation. A tragic incident took place in Ranchi when Vishal Kumar Verma, a wrestler of national repute, died after being electrocuted in Jharkhand State Wrestling Association office, situated at the Jaipal Singh Stadium, earlier this month.

Verma had represented Jharkhand state at various championships since 2005 and had stood at fourth position in senior national level competition this year.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 1441

In Honor of Usain Bolt’s Retirement; Let’s Recall The Most Iconic Athletes In The World


New Delhi: Arguably the most naturally gifted athlete the world has ever seen, Usain St Leo Bolt, on Monday said good-bye to athletics after a 14-year career in which he won numerous medals.

In honor of the champ, there’s a need to remember such inspiring athletes of all time like him. Sports stars are adored across the globe, and it's for this reason that everyone, for the most part, can call themselves a fan of one sport or another. And, in some respects certain sporting heroes are almost immortalized and worshipped as gods of their field. 

Written by Priyanka Tomar/Immanuel Cyrus
Hits: 1921

The First Generation Of Valiant Women Of The Freedom Struggle


New Delhi: Modern Indian woman who participated in Mahatma Gandhi led freedom struggle were actually following a legacy which was created by woman of the previous generation.
Right from the later medieval period we see the tradition of the Indian woman coming to the forefront in the battle to throw away the colonial rulers and you can easily recall three such eminent personalities. One was Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi, the then Rani Chennamma of Kittur and Rani Gaidinliu of North East. They belonged to three different centuries but showed great leadership qualities to throw away the colonial yoke.
They on the one hand inspired several prominent women during the final phase of freedom movement; on the other they invoked spirit to fight in the resistance movements in the villages.The illiterate women played passive but contributory part as comrades to their men folk. 
Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 7502

Bollywood Has Still Not Managed To Steer Away From Racism


New Delhi: Commercial cinema, world of advertising or even your next door neighbour will not stop from commenting if someone dusky walks by!

Colourism, The Most Ignored -Ism In Asia: 

Colourism is a global form of discrimination, an attitude that prefers lighter skin tones to darker ones, and considers those with naturally darker skin less desirable. It is so deep rooted that people don’t even realize that they are biased towards those who are dark skinned, once said Fatima Lodhi, a 27-year-old activist from Pakistan; with an aim to fight this evil of colourism when she started the Dark is Divine campaign years back. Personally, Fatima too was judged by people around her with comments like ‘Let’s paint her white’.

The campaign is a part of a bigger initiative called Women of Worth (WOW) that has crossed various boundaries and has taken the message of equality to people, irrespective of their skin tones, across various cultures, nationalities, races and ethnicity.

Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 2442

Roadside Cultural Cauldron: Food For The Working Class


New Delhi: The food culture from ‘Roti Khali’ to ‘Lunch Kar Liya’ has changed a lot for the working class and their eating habits in the past few decades.  Be it Delhi, Noida or Gurgaon all possess some common and some uncommon choices when it comes to their food trends.

The working class of 1980s and 90s carried the trend of bringing newspaper wrapped ‘rotis’ in their lunch. As their lunch time approached a plate of dal ordered from the nearby Dhaba was everybody’s favorite with the chappatis.  

Written by Priyanka Tomar / Neeti Jha
Hits: 2495