Shiva and Shravan: What’s the Connect


On coming Monday starts the most Holy month of the Hindu calendar – Shravan. This is the month for Shiva worship, the third lord of the Hindu trinity, the other two being Brahma and Vishnu.

Why is Shiva so important for Shravan, the connection is best explained in the scriptures. As per the Puranas, the SamudraManthanepisode holds a very important significance inthe Shravan month. The churning of the Khirsagar (the milky ocean), referred to as SamudraManthan in search of the Amrit (nectar), took place in this month. During the churning, 14 different rubies emerged from the ocean and out of them, thirteen rubies were divided among the devas and the asuras, However, Halahal, the 14th ruby remained untouched as it had the deadliest poison which could destroy the whole universe and every living being. 

To save the universe, Lord Shiva drank the Halahal and stored the poison in his throat. Due to the impact of the poison, his throat turned blue and he came to be called as Neelkantha. There is the temple of NeelkanthaMahadev at a hillock near Rishikesh in Uttarakhand.  


Such was the impact of the poison that Lord Shiva wore a crescent moon on his head and all the devas started offering water from the holy river of Ganges to lord Shiva toreduce the effects of the poison. 

As both these events took place in the Shravan Maas, it is considered very auspicious to offer holy Ganga water as well milk to Lord Shiva’s lingams during the month. 

Parvati (wife of lord Shiva) did puja to Shiva during this month. She did penance in order to attain Shiva that indicates; this month is the time to go inward and meet the Shiva tattva (Shiva principle) within us.

KaavadYatra- The Holy Pilgrimageis another famous ritual that devoteesperform during this month. Devotees pour Ganga Jal on Shivlingam, which they bring from the sacred river- the Ganges. They take holy dip in the Ganges, then sacred Ganga Jal is taken into two earthen pots, tightened on Kaanvad (the bamboo log) with the help of Chinka (specially designed rope), thereafter Kaanvadiyas (name given to devotees who carry Kaanvad) perform puja of Kaanvandsand carry them on their respective shoulder and march towards temple bare feet. Throughout their way to temple, they chant the name of Bhole Baba in different ways and offer the water at their respective temples. 


Month of Shravanhas a special importance as it ushers in a host of auspicious days and festivals like Naga-Panchami, Hindola, Putradaikadashi, SitalaSaptami, Janmashtami (the birthday of Lord Krishna), Teejand concludes RakshaBandhan.

Every day of this month is laden with significance. It is believed that Shravan is also the month of love & romance and is the breeding season for most of the animals. Also in this month, monsoon is in full blast. It is sin to kill animal when they are pregnant/hatching eggstherefore;Hindus avoid non-vegetarian food in this month.

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