4G Speed In India Slowest In World

New Delhi: The average 4Gnetwork speed in India remains the slowest across countries having substantial telecom networks, lagging even Pakistan, Algeria, Kazakhstan and Tunisia.

According to a list prepared by mobile analytics company OpenSignal, 4G download speed in India is the slowest across 88 countries spanning six continents. This is despite the fact that 4G has been expanding at a rapid pace across the country, and networks are being upgraded from slower 2G services.

On an average, the 4G speed in India has been measured at 6 mbps (actual experience could be much lower), whereas subscribers in neighbouring Pakistan enjoy internet at a more than double speed of 14 mbps. Algeria is ranked second-last at 9 mbps.


Union Minister Geete Says No Time-Frame Decided On All Electric Car Fleet In India

New Delhi: The government has not set any time-frame for achieving an all-electric car fleet in the country, according to Union Minister Anant Geete.

 The minister said the government wants to encourage adoption of electric mobility by changing people's mindsets and cooperation of the automobile industry.

Geete's statement assumes significance as Union ministers, including PiyushGoyal, have in the past talked about achieving all electric car fleet by 2030.


The Underlying Technologies That Failed To Prevent PNB’s Cross Border Fraudulent Money Transfers

New Delhi: Punjab National Bank recently detected fraudulent transactions worth Rs 11,300 crore at its Brady House branch in Mumbai. The PNB in its cautionary note to other public and private sector banks said that the suspected fraud was carried out by the perpetrators in collusion with the staff.

It went on to explain the modus operandi of the scam and said: "It was found through SWIFT trail that one junior level branch official unauthorisedly and fraudulently issued Letters of Undertaking (LoU) on behalf of some companies belonging to NiravModi Group for availing buyers' credit from overseas branches of Indian Banks."


Tech-savvy Talent Drives Today’s Business Environment

environment is a constantly-evolving organism which, in the wake of its rapid progress, has started making new demands on its stakeholders. Technology has emerged as the biggest change architect driving not only the way working styles have evolved but also how the workforce needs to innovate.

In such a dynamic culture, it is imperative for any contemporary company to be able to attract the kind of talent that is extremely comfortable with technology. In fact, this comfort must go beyond just being able to use existing tech. The executive of today must have a driving curiosity for gaining new insights and adopting the latest technologies.


Facial Recognition Biased Towards Fair Skin, A New Study Claims

New Delhi:Recently, a new research out, is underscoring what other experts have reported or at least suspected before: facial recognition technology is subject to biasesand shows inaccuracies in gender identification based on the data sets provided and the conditions in which algorithms are created.

As per the results, gender was misidentified in less than 1% lighter-skinned males as compared to 35% dark-skinned females.

Facial recognition has the potential to revolutionise the security of our devices, and it's already available on some very popular gadgets.But what is it, how does it work, and is it racist? Let’s know everything here: