Over 150 delegates from India and abroad participates in 3rd Inter National Conf in IIT (ISM) Dhanbad


New Delhi : Over 150 techies from various renowned institutions of Indiaand abroad participated in a three-day long International conference on ‘Microwave and Photonics’ in the premises of IIT-ISM atDhanbaddistrict of Jharkhand on Friday.

It was organized by the Department of Electronics Engineering IIT – ISM, with the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society and Optical Society of America (OSA).

The financial sponsorship support was extended by Jharkhand CST, SERB DST, DRDO, ISRO, CSIR, BRNSand JV Micronics.

This is the third International Conference on Microwave and Photonics over the past 5 year in IIT - ISM Dhanbad. While, the first such event was held in 2013, another was organized in the year 2015.

“The main objective of ICMAP 2018 is to create a common platform to bring together the academic, R&D Institutions and the industrial communities for sharing and updating their knowledge and research advancing the areas of Microwave and Photonics”, said the convener, Jayant Das, adding that there was an overwhelming response of papers from India and abroad, from which 240 were screened through peer review by experts.

Renowned speakers from USA, Canada, UK, Denmark, Malaysia and other premier institutes of India would participate in the three day long function. The three-day long academic session, which took off on Friday, will end on Sunday evening.


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