Vaccination Against Cervical Cancer Is Tricky Business, Despite Being Second Most Common Cancer In Indian Women


New Delhi: The recent decision in principle of the Ministry of Health to remove a vaccine against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) as part of the universal immunisation programme (UIP) was reported in many sections of the media as giving way to the will of extra state bodies at the cost of women’s health.

The economic wing of the RSS, Swadeshi Jagran Manch wrote to the PM citing safety and cost concerns of the vaccine. After the PMO received the letter, the vaccine which is aimed at treating the second most common cancer in women with over 1,22,844 affected women every year, is considered to be removed from the vaccine program.

Written by Immanuel Cyrus
Hits: 942

Children with Acute Chest Syndrome At Risk Of Respiratory Failure: Recent Study


New Delhi: A study has recently warned that if Acute Chest Syndrome (ACS), a potentially severe lung complication of sickle cell disease, is not treated effectively in children then it may increase the risk of respiratory failure, chronic lung disease and prolonged hospitalisation.

Acute chest syndrome (ACS), a potentially severe lung complication of sickle cell disease, increases a child's risk of respiratory failure, chronic lung disease, and prolonged hospitalization if not recognized early and treated effectively. 

According to researchers, ACS increases a child's risk of respiratory failure, chronic lung disease and prolonged hospitalisation if not recognised early and treated effectively.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 1050

India Poorly Equipped To Deal With140 Million Senior Citizens By 2021


New Delhi:An elderly couple from Mumbai had written to the President’s office on Monday, seeking permission for “active euthanasia”, where a person is killed, usually by administering an overdose of pain-killers.

The couple, IravatiLavate, 79, a retired school principal, and her husband Narayan, 86, a former government employee, have no major health problems and no children.

While present laws in the country do not allow active euthanasia, the couple would have had a hard time even in countries that do because they don’t have any life limiting disease.

Written by Immanuel Cyrus
Hits: 987

After Reversing Memory Loss In Mice, Diabetes Drug May Be Used To Treat Alzheimer’s Disease; Say Scientists


New Delhi: In a breakthrough trial, scientists have discovered that a common diabetes drug “significantly reverses memory loss” in mice that have Alzheimer’s disease, a disorder that affects 5.5 million Americans.

It might seem strange that diabetes drugs can be used to reverse Alzheimer’s, but surprisingly, the two conditions are actually linked. Type 2 diabetes is known to be a risk factor in Alzheimer’s, and a lack of insulin, which is caused by diabetes, can increase the likelihood of brain degeneration.

The study used transgenic mice which expressed human mutated genes that cause Alzheimer's. Finding effective ways to tackle Alzheimer's is of top priority, so for that discovering a drug that a drug normally used to treat type 2diabetes – is anyway exciting.

Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 1064

Impressive Health Benefits of Coconut Oil This Winter


New Delhi: To date, there are over 1,500 studies proving coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Coconut oil benefits and uses go beyond what most people realize, as coconut oil — made copra or dried coconut flesh — is a true superfood.

Coconuts can enhance the sweetness of desserts and also make for a good moisturiser, toner, and make-up remover.

Its benefits include weight loss, better brain function, skin health and many more.

Here are some of the impressive health benefits of coconut oil:

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 1159