Atrial Fibrillation Can Increases Risk Of Stroke


New Delhi: Patients with an irregular heart rhythm, which puts them at a higher risk for stroke, still need treatment even after their heart rhythm seems to have returned to normal, says a recent study.People with atrial fibrillation (AF) are much more likely to develop blood clots and suffer from strokes. To avoid strokes it is important for them to take drugs to prevent blood clotting.

AF is the most common heart rhythm disturbance. Those with this condition may be aware of noticeable heart palpitations, where their heart feels like it's pounding, fluttering or beating irregularly. Sometimes it does not cause any symptoms and a person who has it is completely unaware that their heart rate is irregular.

Written by Khabar Bureau
Hits: 1988

Only 40% Indians Aware That They Suffer From Hypertension


New Delhi: May 2018 has been declared as the Measurement Month worldwide by doctors to get more people to pay closer attention to their blood pressure and avoid the silent killer called hypertension. Hypertension is defined as sustained high blood pressure over five weeks or more. The condition shows no real symptoms and can lead to complications such as kidney failure, stroke and even blindness in the longer term.

India has about 200 million adults with hypertension. Of this, only 40% are aware of the condition and only 20% take measures to tackle it. In light of this, a worldwide public screening initiative was signed by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) along with other stakeholders as part of the May Measurement Month.

Written by Khabar Bureau
Hits: 1339

Alarming Rise In Antibiotic Usage In India


Researchers have identified that the global consumption of antibiotics has soared since the year 2000. This could mean drug-resistant superbugs spiraling out of control and calls for new policies to control and oversee usage of these drugs. With the rate of consumption going up by 65% between 2000 and 2015, the need of the hour is to invest in alternative treatments, sanitation, and vaccination.

Antibiotic resistance, driven by antibiotic consumption, is a growing global health threat. As with climate change, there may be an unknown tipping point, and this could herald a future without effective antibiotics.

Written by K KAggarwal
Hits: 3394

8 Natural& Easy Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads


New Delhi:We all hate blackheads and erasing them can be such a pain. Squeezing them out, getting a facial, using nose strips – it can all be so overwhelming! With the ever-increasing pollution and dust around us, the stress of a hectic lifestyle, and harmful chemicals in the products we use, blackheads are a common sight.

Also referred to as open comedones, blackheads are small, reddish-brown or black bumps that are a result of clogged skin pores. Dead skin cells and oils accumulate in the opening of the skin follicles, producing a bump. If the skin over this bump opens, exposure to the air makes it look black, hence the name blackhead. Squeezing them out is not the best idea as it can lead to inflamed skin, and eventually, scarring.

Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 3328

Side Effects Of Air-Conditioning You Sould Watch Out For!


New Delhi: Technology affects our everyday lives in numerous ways. Over the years, it has made our lives a lot simpler than it used to be. But like everything else, the benefits of technology also have their own flip side.

With summer just around the corner and as the average temperature across the world rises due to the effects of global warming, most of us prefer to spend our time inside air-conditioned rooms, as it soothes us and helps us to work efficiently. But air-conditioning can also have some drastic effects on our health. 

Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 1652