New Delhi:Despite all the wonderful foods out there, there are none which can boost IQ or make one smarter. However there are several foods which can energize and help you concentrate.
Sugar but glucose is your brain's preferred fuel source, which your body processes from the sugars and carbs you eat. This is why it is essential to eat a healthy breakfast on the day of an exam.
Studies have found that eating breakfast improves short-term memory and attention. Students who eat it tend to perform better than those who don’t. However, researchers also found that high-calorie breakfasts appear to hinder concentration.
Best Vegetarian Foods To Eat Before An Exam
1. Nuts
Nuts and seeds are good sources of the antioxidant vitamin E, which has been linked in some studies to less cognitive decline as you age. Nuts are great for your body in the long-term as they are good sources of the antioxidant vitamin E, which is associated with less cognitive decline as you age.You just need an ounce of them a day to get this benefit. They’re also rich with essential oils and amino acids that aid your focus.
2. Chocolate
Dark chocolate (dark chocolate, not the sugary, milky kind) can help you focus for a number of reasons. First, it contains a small amount of caffeine, which has been proven to heighten mental alertness. Dark chocolate also has other powerful antioxidant properties, and it contains natural stimulants like caffeine, which can enhance focus.Dark chocolate contains magnesium, which helps you de-stress, and it also stimulates the release of endorphins and serotonin, which make you feel good and heighten your mood.
3. Avocados and Whole Grains
Every organ in the body depends on blood flow, especially the heart and brain. A diet high in whole grains and fruits like avocados can cut the risk of heart disease and lower bad cholesterol. This reduces your risk of plaque buildup and enhances blood flow.Whole grains, like popcorn and whole wheat, also contribute dietary fiber and vitamin E.
Though avocados have fat, it's the good-for-you, monounsaturated fat that helps with healthy blood flow.Avocados are also loaded with fiber (11 to 17 grams per avocado), which helps keep hunger pangs at bay.
4. Blueberries
Blueberries boost concentration and memory for up to five hours because antioxidants in blueberries stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and keep the mind fresh.
Research in animals shows that blueberries may help protect the brain from the damage caused by free radicals and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Studies also show that diets rich in blueberries improved both the learning and muscle function of aging rats, making them mentally equal to much younger rats.
5. Green tea
Green tea helps you focus for two reasons: one, it contains caffeine, and two, it contains l’theanine which has been shown to increase alpha-wave activity.This increases tranquility and releases caffeine more slowly, instead of all at once. The two ingredients also combine to produce a better ability to focus attention, with improvement of both speed and accuracy.
6. Leafy green vegetables
Leafy green vegetables are full of antioxidants and carotenoids, which boost your brain power, and help protect your brain. Usually the greener a leaf vegetable is, the better. Leafy green vegetables are also full of B-vitamins, which are proven to help your memory, focus, and overall brain health and power. They also contain folic acid, which improves your mental clarity.
7. Water
If you want to improve your focus, you need to drink enough water. Water gives the brain the electrical energy for all brain functions, including thought and memory processes, and it has been proven to help you “think faster, be more focused, and experience greater clarity and creativity”. Every single function of your body depends on water, so it is critically important that you get enough of it.
8. Flax seeds
Like a few of the foods listed already, flax seeds are high in magnesium, B-vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber, all of which aid with mental clarity, weight loss, and ultimately, focus. Just make sure you grind them after you buy them (so your body can digest them). Unlike the other items on this list, flax seeds can’t be eaten alone, but they’re great sprinkled on cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, salad, and more.