Hemp health products maker Vertical Wellness buys Organic Candy Factory


Hemp-derived health products maker Vertical Wellness Inc said on Wednesday it was buying California-based sweet maker The Organic Candy Factory, creating a cannabis-infused edibles maker worth around $110 million.

Pot edibles, especially gummy bears, brownies and drinks, have been the biggest beneficiaries of a demand windfall for cannabis-related companies this year, as consumers locked down under coronavirus restrictions spent more on their products.

The Organic Candy Factory does not currently make any pot-infused candies, but it will now expand into cannabidiol (CBD) variants and become a key revenue driver for the combined company, a Vertical Wellness spokesman told an international news agency on Wednesday.

Written by capital khabar
Hits: 51

Mental Health as Important as Physical Health, says a Survey


In response to a recent survey that found more than 2 out of 5 US workers feel emotionally drained, burned out or exhausted because of their job, the Society for Human Resource Management Foundation, One Mind at Work and Psych Hub have teamed up to launch the Mental Health and Wellness in the Workplace initiative.

The survey, conducted in April by SHRM, also revealed that nearly 25% of workers feel depressed, down or hopeless, yet more than a third reported having done nothing to cope with these feelings.

The initiative is aimed at promoting “a culture of acceptance around returning to the workplace and the rising mental health issues as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,” a July 15 press release states. Resources are available to employers, HR professionals, managers and workers, and include a workplace wellness resource center as well as training courses for HR professionals “on adequately addressing mental health issues in the modern workplace.”

Written by capital khabar
Hits: 112

A Doctor's Guide on Understanding and Battling #Covid19 Progression


I am not an expert in the field. However, based on my innumerable observations of mortality and worsening progression of the infection of COVID 19 I have reached the following conclusions:

1. Early use of steroids, anticoagulants, remdesivir and convalescent plasma are helpful.

2. If FIO2 reaches close to 60 to 70 percent on noninvasive BIPAP ventilation immediately consider going for invasive ventilation and intensive monitoring like regular ABG etc.

Do not delay invasive ventilation.

Written by Nishant Ranjan
Hits: 123

Helping You to Have A Style


We all are fond of good clothes. although wearing clothes, accessories and footwear is far more a science than an individual choice. That is where the role of a personal stylist comes in.

A personal stylist is a person who suggest clothes, accessories, footwear and the colors of the garments which are in accordance with face shape, body type and skin undertone. What we don’t know that there is a science behind selecting the appropriate clothes and color. We go to the store and buy garments. We keep buying clothes from time to time on and for different occasions and our wardrobe is loaded with clothes and accessories and we are still not satisfied and happy with the garments which we have.

One of the reasons for it is we do not look at garments from the point view of which suits us best. The suitability of the garment has to go in accordance with the type of body we have, the body dimensions, shape of the face and our skin undertone. You may ask how do we find out what looks great on us, which color we should wear, what color of eye shadows we should use and look best on me.

Written by Abhishek Ranjan
Hits: 336

गर्मियों में रखें अपनी सेहत का ख्याल


मौसम बदलते रहते हैं और अब गर्मी का मौसम आ गया है। इन दिनों में पारा सामान्य से अधिक ही रहता है और रात में भी कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ता । हमेशा की तरह सूरज आग उगल रहा है ऐसे में परेशानियां और सेहत बिगड़ने की चिंता

गर्मी बढ़ने के साथ कई तरह की मौसमी बीमारियां हीट स्ट्रोक, डिहाइड्रेशन, फ्लू, बेचैनी, डायरिया , लू लगना प्रमुख हैं, तो आइए जानते हैं इन बीमारियों से बचने के लिए अपने खानपान को कैसे रखें ठीक।

Written by शिवम् कश्यप
Hits: 518