Scientists in Spain find non-invasive method to measure muscle injury


New Delhi:According to a study published in the journal 'Physiological Measurement', scientists have developed a low-cost and non-invasive method of measuring the severity of muscle injuries in footballers, an advance that will help the players return to action faster. 
Researchers from Polytechnic University of Catalunya in Spain developed the new technique, called localisedbioimpedance measurement (L-BIA). It is often difficult to get a clear idea of when athletes would be fit again because the 'muscle gap' - or muscle damage - cannot easily be measured by current methods, researchers said.

Written by Khabar Bureau
Hits: 1464

Enhancing Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Through Yoga


The holistic science of Yoga is the best lifestyle ever designed and is very effective in managing stress disorders and lifestyle disorders like diabetes. Modern research has focused on psycho-physiological beneficial effects of yoga which is more than a mere physical exercise.
It has been reported that even a short lifestyle modification and stress management education program based on yoga reduces risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus (DM) within a period of 9 days.

Written by Yogacharya Dr. AnandaBalayogiBhavanani
Hits: 1131

Alarming rise to Thyroid cases, women more prone to the disease


New Delhi: In a recent survey conducted by a private diagnostic chain one in ten adults in India suffers from hypothyroidism, with 50 per cent of them being women.Research is under way to find out why the numbers are going up. Strangely, it has increased more among women in the 20-40 age groups.
According to the survey, more than a quarter of India population suffers from thyroid disorders, that means about 32% Indians have various forms of thyroid disorders.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 955

Indian missions build momentum for celebration of International Yoga Day


New Delhi: Indian missions abroad are gearing up to celebrate the International Yoga Day on June 21. 

In Colombo, Sri Lankan President MaithripalaSirisena joined yoga enthusiasts at the Independence Square while NavtejSarna, Indian ambassador to the US led a group of yoga aficionados at the National Mall in Washington D C performing different asanason sunday.

Written by Khabar Bureau
Hits: 1324