06 March 2025
New Delhi: Let's face it: You probably have a little excess belly fat you'd like to get rid of and those who can't stand the gym! don't fret. Turns out, your diet is just as important as exercise when it comes to shedding those extra pounds.
Luckily, doctors have foods that they recommend for burning belly fat. However, it’s no secret that losing weight is hard. Losing weight can especially be difficult after you've already lost a good amount and can't seem to get over a weight loss hurdle.
Recent research finds that; Inflammation in the body causes or contributes to many debilitating, chronic illnesses. If you have heart disease, high blood pressure, bacterial or viral infections, osteoporosis, arthritis, acid reflux, candidacies, or acne, then you could also have chronic, low-grade inflammation. In fact, if you have any number of other diseases, it is likely you have inflammation. And if you want to get or remain healthy, you definitely want to reduce the damaging effects of it!
Therefore, if you want to eat for long-term health, lowering inflammation is crucial before.
New Delhi: World Obesity Day is observed globally on 11 October organised by the World Health Organisation. The aim is to "lead and drive global efforts to reduce, prevent and treat obesity."
The first World Obesity Day took place in 2015. The second took place in 2016 and focused on childhood obesity, aligning with the WHO Commission report on Ending Childhood Obesity.