New Delhi: On Wednesday, a health talk was organized, Senior Neurologist of Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital Kaushambi, Dr. Sumantro Chatterjee and senior cardiologist Dr Asit Khanna delivered a health talk on prevention and awareness of hypertension and brain-related stroke. Dr. P. N. Arorai, Managing Director, Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital inaugurated the health talk.
Dr Sumanto Chatterjee said that high blood pressure can prove to be very fatal; therefore, everyone should get their regular checkup of blood pressure. One needs to keep a special eye on blood pressure after the age of 45.
He also said that our blood pressure continues to be high and low and there are many a times confusion to the people that whether they have high blood pressure disease or not, Dr Sumanto said that its correct decision is made by checking the blood pressure by a new method called ambulatory blood pressure checking.
Dr Asit Khanna said that a great misconception among our people is that leaving the salt intake will lead to our blood pressure control. He said that if we stop eating salt and do not take blood pressure medication along with proper medical consultation then blood pressure cannot be controlled.
Dr Asit Khanna said that in view of Upcoming World Heart Day on September 29, 2018 Yoga for Healthy Heart and Awareness Lecture for Prevention of Heart Diseases will be held from 8 am on September 29, at Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital, Kaushambi and free heart diseases camp will be held on Sunday 30th September from 10am to 2pm.