New Delhi:The working mother is an institution in her own way; they are the one who combines a successful career giving her financial independence, with an effective motherhood raising a child.
Working during pregnancy is a necessity for many women and even empowering for some. For an office-going lady, work is unavoidable.However, working in the office everyday is not always the best environment for physical and mental health as it can be challenging to focus on staying active, eating healthy and being stress-free.
It becomes difficult for pregnant women to manage work and take care of themselves at such a critical situation. They find it hard to manage work during pregnancy, due to the changes their bodies are going through at this period. Working during pregnancy means preparing for all those little things you know, are going to happen during your workday.
Here are some tips to guide you to stay productive at work and also take care of your health:
Bring homemade healthy Lunches and Snacks: It is important for a pregnant woman to eat at least four servings of calcium every day. One should bring homemade healthy food that contains nutritious snacks, like sliced raw vegetables, fruits, yoghurt, cheese, dals, sprouts, soya, milk and egg products; as these foods are ideal for pregnant working woman. Also, try tocarry at least two varieties of fruits and some snacks each day to office. You can also keep a box of assorted nuts in your office drawer and munch them at short intervals because they are instant source of energy.
Get Up Every Hour & Take a Lap: Avoid sitting at one place, set hourly reminders on your calendar to get up and take a lap around the office. As hectic office schedules do not allow time for fitness so you must planned some fitness activity for yourself as simple as taking a walk. Try and avoid working continuously for hours. Walk around for five or ten minutes and continue with your work with fresh mind.
Never Skip The Vitamins:Always take medicine and supplements on time. Doctors prescribe supplements and medicine for you during pregnancy, which need to be taken on specific times and are vital for your and the baby’s health.Do not forget to bring them in the office with you and if you find it difficult to remember, you can opt for alarms in your mobile phones. Let technology be put to some good use.
Keep Water at Your Desk: Keep your body hydrated throughout the day by drinking 7 to 8 glasses of water. Other drinks that you can enjoy are coconut water, fresh fruit juices, lime water and buttermilk.Try and bring clean and filtrated water bottle from home to stay properly hydrated throughout the day, although this is something everyone should do, but pregnancy makes the need for proper hydration even more important because of the fact that apart from preventing dehydration and fatigue, water also provides relief from pregnancy related symptoms of nausea and headaches.
Dress Comfortable:For the first three months or so, you'll probably be able to wear your regular work wardrobe but after that don’t get too fashion sensitive and try tight clothing. Avoid getting too overwhelmed by body changes – pregnancy is a different time and you need to respect that. Wear what makes you feel comfortable and what is designed to wear while pregnancy.
Avoid Stress:Try to have limited tasks, which you can do without stressing out much.Do not stress yourself with work. No matter what, keep stress away and try to be organised so as to avoid unpleasant times at work because taking stress during pregnancy is not just detrimental to your health, but also to your baby’s health. Some studies also suggest that there is a close link between stress and increased risk of miscarriage therefore, keep your stress levels to the absolute minimum and practice yogic breathing techniques that will help induce and maintain a calm state of mind.
Create a Relaxing Environment: Although working at a computer won't harm your developing baby, but pregnant women are more susceptible to achy fingers, backache and numb. So be sure to make your desk and chair arrangement as comfortable as possible.You can also create a relaxing environment in your actual work space by adding some fresh flowers and decor to brighten and liven up your area. Try to write down or frame your favourite inspirational quote to help you stay positive. Also, you can even frame a picture of your ultrasound and family as a motivating reminder why you work so hard each day.
Easing nausea and vomiting: Nearly 80 to 85 per cent of pregnant women feel sick, with half of all women experiencing vomiting or retching at some point. The chances are that you could be affected at work as well as at home.Therefore you must prepare well in advance by tracking when your morning sickness peaks, and when you feel better to eat and drink.Have a snack you can tolerate, such as dry toast, a cookie or rusk. Try eating little and often as it can help keep your sugar levels at an even level and prevent you from suddenly feeling queasy throughout the day. Also, try and eat simple, high-protein foods, and those that are rich in vitamin B.
It’s called Morning sickness but pregnancy queasiness such as mood swings, headaches and other pains are not scheduled with your office hours, they can happen at any time of the day. Your pregnancy, though visible, can still be private.
If you want to continue to be perceived as a serious worker, try not to complain or talk about your pregnancy too much because sometimes that can backfire, especially if your supervisor or co-workers are already less than supportive of your pregnancy. And though pregnancy is beautiful, it comes with its own set of challenges. Try to remain professional at the workplace as much as possible by accepting the facts that there will be changes but you need to keep your focus on job.