Common yet unheard of: PCOS


The issues related to women’s sexual, menstrual and reproductive health are severely stigmatised, under discussed and more often than not there are myths created surrounding them. The society that we live in has shunned and shamed women for mere bodily functions they have no control over.

Every one in 10 woman across the country suffers from PCOS, and out of every 10 women diagnosed with it 6 are teenage girls according to a study done by the PCOS society of India. Even after it being this common an issue amongst half the population it is rarely addressed, most women aren’t even aware of the existence this disorder. Every year on 1st September, the world PCOS day is celebrated worldwide to promote awareness about PCOS and to support those suffering from it, September is also regarded as PCOS awareness month. 

Written by Anushka Singh
Hits: 89

Retro fashion trends made comeback in 21st century


Fashion is a popular and latest style of clothing. It gives you a sense of creativity and charm. In the era of the 21st century, the comeback of the old trends and the recreation of those old trends are very common. ‘Old is Gold’ is a very popular quote that can be used to describe the arrival of the old retro trends in the 21st century. Many fashion trends from the 80’s and the 90’s are returning in the fashion world like music of 90s movies. As the generation changes, the taste of that generation also changes. Some of the new trends are mixed with the old to create a fusion of fashion trends.

Written by Riddhi Goyal
Hits: 136

How street style restyled the world


Are you looking for a casual, comfortable style that is trending and will leave you looking fabulous? Then it would be best if you considered streetwear.

It is pretty clear that the phenomenon of street style is here to stay. Street style has taken a new form as time passes by thereby becoming more ubiquitous and predominant in society than before. Just like the name says, the street style originated from the streets and not the runway – like other trends we see out there.

Written by Mitali
Hits: 594

Benefits of Yoga for Students. Give a try!


Image source: YogiApproved.com

Are you a college student feeling overwhelmed with the busy lifestyle which may include classes, exams, assignments, studying, family expectations, and above all social life? Is this constant stress and exhaustion taking a toll on your mind and body? Then it is time that you discover something which can feed your soul with innate joy and peace simultaneously filling your life with meaning. 

For college students, things might get confusing as they are about to leave the secured environment and enter into a world full of responsibilities and new challenges which may cause undying stress and anxiety. There are two roads you can choose from at this point: to keep going through the same cycles of stress or the other which open up a new world full of tranquillity and gratefulness. If you do not  want to allow the negative energy to stay in your life even for a second and devour all the happiness from it, Yoga is the answer for you. 

Written by Soumya Rathore
Hits: 164

#GlobalWarming: Time for collective action


The latest report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasises that the so-called 'redline' of climate disaster is much closer than what was previously assumed. Released on August 9, 'Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis' reveals that global temperatures have already risen to 1.1 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Furthermore, the 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold that was identified in the 2015 Paris climate agreement is likely to be breached within the next 20 years.

Even an increased 2 degrees Celsius threshold is likely to breach within the 21st century unless there is a significant reduction in the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Worse still, the report also highlighted that some of the global climate systems have already been affected by global warming to the extent that some of the climate changes are now 'locked in'. This means that even if humanity does get its act together and somehow manages to stop its carbon emissions in time, some damage will nevertheless occur due to these 'locked in' changes.

Written by capital khabar
Hits: 122