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Are you a college student feeling overwhelmed with the busy lifestyle which may include classes, exams, assignments, studying, family expectations, and above all social life? Is this constant stress and exhaustion taking a toll on your mind and body? Then it is time that you discover something which can feed your soul with innate joy and peace simultaneously filling your life with meaning.
For college students, things might get confusing as they are about to leave the secured environment and enter into a world full of responsibilities and new challenges which may cause undying stress and anxiety. There are two roads you can choose from at this point: to keep going through the same cycles of stress or the other which open up a new world full of tranquillity and gratefulness. If you do not want to allow the negative energy to stay in your life even for a second and devour all the happiness from it, Yoga is the answer for you.
The practice of yoga is becoming progressively popular in the last few decades. Yoga finds its roots in India which is also referred to as ‘The Land of Yoga’. The founder of Yoga, Maharishi Patanjali, wrote the first known text on this ancient practice known as the Yoga Sutras. In today’s world where exhaustion has become a status symbol and stress has become the order of the day, many people have resorted to Yoga to stay high-spirited, focused, and calm. Yoga helps in focusing your mind on the matter at hand, and disengages from your thoughts as a result all the tension and worry gradually drains your body. However, Yoga not only helps in killing the stress but also assists you in the journey to self-actualization which means realizing your true self and knowing your purpose in life. “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self. To the self” is an excerpt from the Bhagwad Geeta.
If you are a student experiencing perpetual cycles of stress and anxiety, taking up the practice of yoga is a great way to nourish your soul with a refreshed energy to face life with calmness and positivity. Research on the Psychophysiological effects of yoga on stress in college students published by the National Library of Medicine shows that “yoga has positive effects on a psychophysiological level that leads to a decreased level of stress in college students”. The research also mentioned that Suryanamaskara, a yogic practice was effective in leading to physical relaxation and mental peace. Yogic practices play a vital role in boosting self-confidence, attention span, mental performance, and balanced personality traits among students, thus paving the way for their academic excellence. Yoga also reduces perceived stress and negative effects in students thereby improving their psychological well-being. It has innumerable benefits on both physical and mental health.
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College students spend hours before screens which may have impact on their body posture and they may suffer from related ailments. Yoga, if practiced regularly can help them to learn how to balance their body and the body automatically assumes the right stance.
The asanas and breathing techniques practiced during yoga aids students in reaching a state of calm and quiet which can help them to focus better during lectures and studying. All the worrying thoughts leave the body as the mind is concentrated on the present which boosts concentration and memory power. A study conducted in 2013 by researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit, USA, found that a single, 20-minute session of Hatha yoga significantly improved participants’ speed and accuracy on tests of working memory and concentration.
Students usually experience a lot of stress due to the long study hours, examination anxiety, assignment deadlines, family expectations & responsibilities which can take a toll on their health if not managed properly. The regular practice of yoga can empower students with a strong coping mechanism for dealing with negative emotions and stress. Yoga helps in disengaging from stressful thoughts and brings the mind into a peaceful state.
College students often suffer from a lack of sleep and unhealthy sleep patterns which can cause distress, anxiety, depression, and obesity among other health issues which can adversely affect their academic performance. Yoga can help in the release of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Thus, resulting in improved quality of sleep. With good sleep, students are able to focus better on studies leading to better academic performance.
The social atmosphere of college along with long hours of classes can cause frequent burnout and exhaustion. Yoga can significantly uplift mood as it leaves the body with a refreshed energy each time which enhances the ability to cope with negative emotions and frustrating situations. By doing regular yoga, anger reduces and calmness becomes a way of life.
Image source: The Bruin News - Kellogg Community College
The list of benefits of yoga is not exhaustive. With regular practice, students can see visible results in terms of improved concentration, enhanced academic performance, improved motivation & productivity, brighter mood, elimination of hostility, stress, and other negative emotions, and reduced eye strain and headaches increased physical and mental energy levels, improved self-concept as it allows self-acceptance, added confidence and sense of peace bringing out a positive outlook on life. If you are a college student wishing to handle your everyday life challenges and responsibilities like a pro then yoga is the magic wand that can help you in taking full control of your life and make the most out of it. It is a practice that is absolutely worth trying!