Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus has affected almost every aspect of our lives. The nationwide lockdown resulted in shutting down of industries, factories, public transport, private and corporate offices. Everyone wants to live safely with their loved ones and spend a happy time with them amid this lockdown. These times have inspired the folks to stand as one and help the people around them. The fight against corona has been a tough one, the virus is spreading rapidly. It spreads through direct and indirect physical contact, so the principle of social distancing was introduced in the world to break the chain and get a victory over the virus.
This pandemic has left people around the globe terrified. We all have seen people fearing it, even if a person sneezes, people move away from him. Every sneeze, every fever is not corona, but the fear of it has set its roots so deep in people’s minds that they have started doubting everyone. Doubting is not completely wrong, after all, safety is what matters the most; but to ensure safety, shredding off humanity is nowhere right. Even in situations like these, some professionals like doctors and healthcare staff, police officials, bank employees, and other government employees are still going out and working. Doctors and healthcare workers are battling the war against the virus from the front. They are standing tall with all they have. They, without any fear, are treating the corona patients.
A doctor while checking or treating a patient can’t maintain a good distance; as a result, they are more prone to be infected with the virus. Although, they wear PPE kits, face shields, and take every possible preventive measure but once a positive patient has entered a hospital, along with him enters the virus. The doctors, nurses and healthcare staff risk their lives and their families’ well-being, for the sake of fulfilling their duties. They never step- back and come in front whenever their duty calls. Many of them go back home to their families after 6-7 days because they fear that they would carry the infection home.
After all the hard work and sacrifices they are putting for the people’s well-being, they are not getting the respect they deserve. They are being treated harshly. Many cases were reported where people misbehaved with these corona warriors. They were not allowed to enter societies where they lived, people looked at them as a threat rather than thanking them. As a result, they had to get a separate place to live. Many doctors and nurses caught the virus and a few even lost their lives while treating the patients. Their sacrifices were still not acknowledged by the people, they kept on complaining. There were some cases where patients misbehaved with the hospital staff when they were asked to be in the isolation wards and follow the instructions. This problem invited debates. Some reasoned the misbehavior being sentimental about the condition of the hospitals and the patients in it, while the others lashed out highlighting how thankless this attitude is.
Apart from this, the lack of PPE kits, the shortage of healthcare staff has added to the problems, these doctors and staff members face. They have to work for longer hours and once they have worn the PPE, they have to work with it for hours, which is highly problematic.
The government realized the need to make people understand how grateful the nation should be towards the essential service staff. To highlight and applaud the efforts and sacrifices of the Corona Warriors, PM Narendra Modi in one of his speeches, asked the citizens to clap and bang thalis on March 22. This activity was loved by all and named as ‘Tali- Thaali Bajao’ mission.
A few days after this drive, diyas and candles were lighted all over the country, to show gratitude towards the doctors and healthcare staff. This event was a reminder to the citizens, that this darkness would end and the light of strength and success would prevail again. Another such event to pay the deserved respect was executed by the Indian Air Force (IAF) on May 3. Flower petals were showered over hospitals and healthcare institutions around the country to honor the doctors, who are risking their lives in this battle against the infection.
Amid these conditions, the Gurudwaras have come forward to lend a helping hand; from providing a shelter to providing them good food, they have shown how much support and respect the staff deserves. They are even providing shelter to helpless and poor and feeding them too. We should take a lesson and at least respect those who are standing in front and protecting our lives. We should be grateful to them for all the efforts they have put in for us. This indeed helps us to stand strong and win over the crisis.