Weirdest Words You won’t Believe Are Part Of The English Language


New Delhi: The word of the year according to for 2017 was “complicit” after its usage was popularized by Ivanka Trump who is incidentally on a visit to India right now.

She thought that complicit meant “choosing to be involved in an any act,” particularly one that involves other people. But however the word has a negative connotation and means that you went along with someone as they did something bad.

Here are a collection of weird words that can mean something in mainstream usage but has high chances of being misunderstood in popular culture.

1. Mazuma
A US slang term for “Cash”. First used in 1894, Mazuma meaning Money (US), is derived from its Yiddish meaning "designated, fixed, appointed," in place of cash.

2. Lit 
A situation or event that’s very cool, exciting, or crazy, as in “This party is so freaking lit right now.” Hip-hop artist Travis Scott is notable for his frequent use of “It’s Lit!” as an ad-lib on songs he produces.

3. Salty 
This means being in a bad mood, as in “she was salty because she lost the game.” A salty person may harbour grudges, as it also indicates hurt feelings or bitter disappointment. 

Very popular on online gaming communities, salty became a word that became mainstream in usage among many non gamers as well.

4. Thirsty
When someone is trying too hard for attention, he or she may be called out for being thirsty. Thirst is an undesirable quality, as it can betray desperation or neediness. For example, if you text your crush and get upset when they don’t respond back within ten minutes, you might just be a little thirsty.

5. Roast
Roasting is the fine art form of insulting your friends over the internet. This is similar to traditional roasts, where attendees gather to playfully insult and joke about the night’s honoree. However roasts that are mean-spirited can quickly evolve into cyber bullying or trolling.

6. Catfish
Catfish is now a person who sets up a false personal profile on a social networking site for fraudulent or deceptive purposes. The term “phishing” also comes from this origin.

7. Footprint
In Cyber terms, a footprint is a unique set of characteristics, actions, and records that leave a trace and serve as a means of identification online.

8.  Meme
A cyber-cultural item in the form of an image, video, phrase, etc., that is spread via the Internet and often altered in a creative or humorous way.

9. Viral
It means to become very popular by circulating quickly from person to person, especially through the Internet.
And finally...

10. Troll
It can refer to someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble or a message that someone leaves on the internet that is intended to annoy people.


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