New Delhi: Water chestnut is one of the most important minor fruit crops grown in India. It popularly known as ‘Singhara’’ and is mostly seen around Navratras and Diwali. The reason for this being that the harvesting of nut which is done during the month of September to November coincides with the season of festivals in India -- Navratras, Dusshera and Diwali.
Chestnut which was originated 3000 years back in India grows throughout the North and Eastern parts India mainly: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar West Bengal and Jharkhand.
It is an aquatic nut crop grown mainly in the tropical and sub-tropical region, as submersed plant community. It grows in slow moving water and is cultivated in fresh water lakes. Changes in climate, fluctuations in nutrient content of water bodies have resulted in near extinction of this fruit.
Not unlike other shelled nuts, caltrops are an autumn and early winter delight. The “Hanbook of the Economic Products of Punjab” states that singharas are planted in June and bear fruit in November.
Cultural Significance of Chestnuts
Chestnuts are especially popular during Navaratri, a 9-day festival celebrated by North Indians in celebration of the goddess Durga. Indians pray to Durga for the power to maintain balance during times of natural changes, which is precisely what occurs as fall shifts to winter.
Some devout Indians choose to fast for the whole period, while others make delicious dishes. The ground flour of the Chestnut is used during religious rituals throughout the festival, and it’s also one of the foods acceptable on the “phalahar diet,” a regimen that shuns cereals and promotes the consumption of fruits.
There are many plants which are consumed during fasting on Navratras, Mahashivaratri, Shri Krishanajanamashtami, Ekadashi etc. Hindus during fast do not eat cereals. Since Chestnut flour is neither grass nor true cereal grain, it is called pseudo cereal.
Health Benefits:
Not only Cultural Significance Water Chestnut holds a lot of health benefits as well.
Ayurveda, considers it as an extremely nutritive fruit. It can cure infertility, impotency, cough, painful urination, generalized weakness, hemorrhages, abnormal bleeding from uterus and fatigue. This fruit can be eaten raw or boiled. Dried fruit is grounded into flour, which is a popular food in Hindu fast.
Water chestnut has a remarkable Nutrition Facts. About 100 grams of water chestnut contains 584 mg of potassium, 14 mg of Sodium, it is low in fat and scores zero in cholesterol. It is rich in Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Calcium and Vitamin C. It is gluten free and low in fat contains moderate quantity of dietary fibres. Here are some detailed benefits of eating water chestnuts:
1. Blood Purifier
Cleansing blood naturally is essential, because blood is a circulating body fluid in animals and humans. It provides oxygen, nutrition and removes metabolic waste away from cells. Water chestnut acts as an outstanding natural blood purifier. It has ability to cure various problems, such as sore throat, common cold, cough, respiratory infections and digestive problems.
2. Anti-oxidant properties
Anti-oxidants such as vitamin C, present in water chestnut helps in fighting against viral and bacterial infections. Antioxidants are natural chemicals present in food. They fight the damaging effects of free radicals, which are formed in body during normal metabolic activity. Vitamin C present in Water chestnut rescue body by destroying these free radicals and boosts our immune system.
3. Treats Diarrhea and Dysentery
Diarrhea is one of the most common health problems. Water chestnut is easy to digest and provides optimum amount of dietary fibers. It adds bulk to stool and helps in alleviating diarrhea symptoms.
4. Anaemia
Iron deficiency anaemia can be easily treated and managed by eating food rich in vitamins and iron.
5. Bone Health
Singhara is good source of calcium. It not only strengthens bone but also support teeth structure.
6. Anti-inflammatory
It helps in curing sore throat, common cold and also cures skin infections, eczema. It helps in reinforcing our immune system.
7. Leucorrhea
Leucorrhoea also known as Vaginitis, is common in female especially during puberty. It comprises foul smell, intense pain and irritation in cervical region, stomach ache, white or yellow discharge from female genitals. Water chestnut is instrumental in maintaining female health. Minerals present in water chestnut helps in maintaining hormonal balanceIt also increases fertility and strengthens uterus.
8. Multidimensional Health Benefits in Pregnancy
It helps in stabilizing pregnancy, prevents abortions and pre term birth. It is used in making laddoos and panjiri, which are beneficial in pregnancy. It is helpful in lactation too.
9. Gluten Free
Dried and grounded seeds serve as a great substitute for grains. Therefore people suffering from gluten allergy can easily consume it.
10. Weight Management
Water chestnut is low in calories, but dense in energy. Hence one feels fuller for longer period. It is rich in magnesium and iodine, this helps in thyroid function.
Some precautionary measures should always be kept in mind while consuming singhara, because over consumption may result in abdominal pain and bloating. Likewise, people suffering from chronic constipation should avoid it, since it may aggravate constipation.
Production of Water Chestnut on Decline:
Sadly from past few years Water Chestnut production is on decline. Ten or fifteen years ago, water caltrop was grown in the Hindon River near Ghaziabad. Increasing water pollution has made it impossible for the river to be conducive to their growth any longer. Vendors in the area now source produce from Muradnagar in Uttar Pradesh, which is 20kms away from the Hindon.
Most of Chandni Chowk has also been wiped clean of their presence. Only few remaining areas in the city can be counted on for wholesale. Areas like Azadpur Mandi, Pahar Ganj, Shalimar Bagh are the wholesale market for water chestnut in Delhi.