(During Shradh Hindus, pray for their deceased ancestors and their peaceful state in the afterlife.)
New Delhi: In Indian Culture, the day starting from Purnima (full moon night) of Shukla Paksh of Bhadra Pad month till the Amavasya (No moon night) of the Krishna Paksh of Ashwin month is considered to be the period dedicated to our departed ancestors. This period of 16 days is known as "Pitra Paksh or the Shraadh Kaal". The period is said to be very auspicious and holds lot of significance as per Hindu beliefs for performing special rituals known as "Shraadh Karma" for appeasing our departed Ancestors and getting their blessings. These rituals of Shraadh Karma are supposed to be done by every person irrespective of caste, creed and culture as they are mandatory for everyone according to Ancient Vedic Texts.
Pitru Paksha is a 15 lunar day’s period when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors, especially through food offerings.
Pitra Paksha is an occasion to pacify the departed souls by performing Shradh rituals. Hindu scriptures like the Agni Puran, Garuda Puran and Vayu Puran have explained the significance of "Shradh" in great length.
In our Hindu culture, the status of parents is considered equivalent to Devatas (Gods). Therefore as per Ancient Vedic Texts, even the Gods become happy and shower their blessings on a person who serves his parents. According to Brahma Purana, a person who performs Shraadh Karma with full dedication appeases Brahma, Rudra, Ashwini Kumar, Sun, Fire, and Air in addition to his Ancestors and is thereby blessed with Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Shraadh which started from 5th September will be going to end on 19th September, 2017. It is considered as an inauspicious period for starting of any new venture and shopping of new clothes or any household item and every year, days for performing Shraddha fall on different dates. Therefore:
Following are the day & dates for the Shraadh Paksh this year:

“Shraadh marks an important time for performing the ritual of Tarpan. Performing Shraadh is a way of remembering, thanksgiving and honouring the ancestors for whatever they have given to our present generations. It is a way of telling them that they are still an important part of the family and they still reside in our memories. On the other side, if we look Shraadh from the astrological side then the appeasing deity of the relevant planet causing Pitra Dosha in horoscope of a person is must, and to get rid of the problems originated due to them. Otherwise, the implications of Pitra Dosha will continue to reflect in the birth charts of ongoing generation,” said Poonam Mishra, an astrologer from Gurgaon.
Significance of Shraadh:
According to Hindu beliefs, the souls of our three preceding generations reside in Pitru-Loka, which is considered to be a realm between heaven and earth. This realm is led by the god of death, Yama. It is believed that when a person from the next generation dies, the first generation is taken to heaven bringing them closer to God. Only the last three generations in Pitru-Loka are given shradha rites according to belief.
According to Hindu scriptures, during the Mahabharata, when Karna died his soul was taken to heaven where he was offered lots of gold and jewels.
However, Karna was looking for food to eat and asked Indra, who is considered as the lord of heaven, the reason for serving gold as food. That's when Indra told Karna that he donated gold all his life, but never donated food to his ancestors during Shradh. Realising what Indra claimed, Karna answered that he never knew who his ancestors were, so he couldn't donate anything in their memory.
However, Karna was given a chance to amend his mistake and was permitted to return to earth for 15 days, so that he could perform shradh rites and donate food and water in their memory. This period of 15 days went on to be called as Pitru Paksha.

In Hindu mythology, it is to be believed that we inherit the assets and properties of our ancestors, but at the same time we also inherit the results of their misdeeds. Sometimes, their misdeeds do not allow them to attain the peace after death. This disturbance of their souls can sometimes affect the present generations of the family.
Along with misdeeds, unnatural deaths are a big reason for the disturbances of souls. Unnatural deaths are those which occur before the actual or natural time of death for that person. They can occur from any kind of accident or sometimes suicide may also be the reason for unnatural death. It can happen to anyone, be it an older or younger member of the family.
Therefore; Rituals of Tarpan in Shraddha are of a great significance in removing the effects of these unnatural deaths, and attaining the divine peace of soul. Also, it is a way to pay our gratitude toward the ancestors for all that they have given or giving to us. It is believed that if the rituals are performed with full faith, love, and respect, our ancestors get happy and protect us from all the evil powers of the universe. They don't let anything harm us either it is natural or supernatural.
No matter what we dedicate, an expensive or less expensive gift, but what is important is our love and respect. Our honor will make them happy instead of the price of our gift.
Shraadh Rituals:

Pitru Paksha has a special significance for Tarpan rituals and the rituals performed during Pitru Paksha produces best results. Although, you can also perform this ritual on the death anniversary of the departed family member but it is believed that the rituals performed during Shraadh produces best results for pleasing the ancestors.
Different Tarpan rituals are performed for different departed members of the family or a particular day from Shraadh during Pitru Paksha is dedicated to that departed member. His or her favourite food items and clothes are offered to Brahmins or Pundits. Brahmins consume the food items and except the offerings and it is believed that finally they reached to our ancestors or forefathers.
Take a look at how to perform Shradh rituals in the right way:
1. For performing Shradh rituals, prepare pure vegetarian food, you can also prepare the favorite food of the departed person. This food is offered to the Brahmins or Pandits, and known as Brahman Bhoj.
2. Cook Kheer (sweet rice porridge) and other food items, as per your family traditions.
3. Offer prayers for the peace of souls of ancestors.
4. The food should also be offered to cows, crows, and dogs on banana leaves.
5. Different fruits, sweets, and cereals can also be served.
6. Serve the needy like beggars and old people for the peace of the ancestor's souls.
Where to Perform Shraadh?

Mostly Shraddha or Pitru Paksha rituals are performed on the shore of any water body such as river or sea. Rivers are having a very special and sacred place in Hindu mythology. It is believed that if the ashes of the departed family member are flown in the water of Holy River like Ganga or Yamuna, and if the rituals of Tarpan are performed on the shore of river or sea, then it produces best results.
But the most auspicious place on Earth for performing Shraadh Karma is Gaya - Gaya a place in Bihar state of India is considered as a most sacred place for performing Shraadh Karma of Ancestors and it is said that if a Shraadh Karma of any ancestor is done at this place with all the proper rituals, then he is relieved of his miseries and attends freedom from Pitra Lok.
As per our Ancient Vedic Texts, there was a very powerful demon with the name Gayasur who was very ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu was pleased with his worship and asked him for any favour (Vardaan). The Demon Gayasur requested Lord Vishnu to make him even more pious than any other God for which Lord Vishnu obliged.
However, due to this, even the utmost sinners started getting them absolved of their sins by merely paying a visit to Gayasur and thereby became eligible for the Swarg Lok (Heaven).This disturbed the entire balance of Universe and therefore all the Gods made a plan and arranged a Yagna, in which they asked Gayasur to donate his body. Gayasur being a staunch follower of Lord Vishnu agreed to this and he lied down on Earth with his Legs towards North and Face towards South.
The place where Gayasur offered his body became a very sacred region and began to be known as Gaya ji. It is said that various Landmarks like Lord Vishnu's footprints are located in this region and doing Shraadh Karma here is considered very auspicious since Lord Vishnu is the giver of Moksha or the ultimate freedom from the Chakras of Life and Birth.
Other Places also like Haridwar, Rishikesh, Allahabad, Kashi, Puri, Rameshwaram are considered as appropriate for these ceremonies.
Lastly, Some Dos and Don’ts to remember during Shraadh:

1. One should not forget to distribute clothes or grains. Also, brahmins are offered food, new clothes, fruits, sweets and dakshina, as it is believed that whatever is given to them reaches the ancestors. This will make souls of dead ancestors happy.
2. During Bhrahmin bhoj, they should be offered food with two hands. It is also recommended to keep a small portion of the prepared meal for cows, dogs, crows, and ants, separately.
3. Do not consume alcohol while performing the rituals.
4. Do not use non-vegetarian items for preparing food. On the day of shradh, Onion or Garlic should not be used in any food items. It is said that those crops that are grown under the soil are not offered to dead ancestors, which include potatoes, brinjal and radish
5. Avoid haircuts or shaving while performing the rituals.
6. Use of Barley Peas and mustard: As per Hindu belief, it is considered auspicious to use barley, Kaangani (a type of millet), peas and mustard in the Shradh pooja.
7. Never use iron vessels for preparing or serving food. Try to offer food in Silver Utensils because the use of silverware in Shradh rituals is regarded auspicious. Silver is believed to eradicate evil forces. Utensils made of bronze and copper are also considered auspicious.
8. And, do not perform rituals in the evening, dusk and dawn. Shradh should be performed in later part of afternoon. It should not be done in morning or in early part of the afternoon.