Food is something that not only works as a fuel for the human body but also there is a very significant relationship between the human body and the food. The fundamental building block of nutritional metabolism is our relationship with food. It is up to us how we see our relationship with food and use it to cure or treat problems we are facing, for instance a person who is on diet will always look for healthy and low-calorie food and those who are not conscious of food choices, they eat whatever they find and like. Our relationship with food is connected to our brains and thoughts. Scholars say that our diet choices may help us to improve our mood and thoughts. By just eating good or eating enough we can control our self-elements such as calmness, focusing power, thoughts, energy, behaviour, and much more. Among other factors, our diet plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of life.
However, the question is what is the need for this psychology of eating and the answer is as we grow, a lot of changes occur and our body starts responding in different ways. A lot of psychological and non-psychological changes occur in every human body including behaviour, emotional stability, eating habits and more. Our mental and physical health and image depend on the type of food we eat, and it leads to maintaining a balanced happy lifestyle. But many factors affect our eating behaviours according to scientists such as social, economic, environmental, cultural, family, individual, and psychological.
Psychology is a science of behaviour that studies how and why people do what they do. And, the psychology of food is also as similar to studying the behaviours as it denotes our overall performance and growth. It includes two main elements behaviour and thinking. Psychology plays an important role in weight management as behaviour in this includes what type of food we eat and how we eat and what impact it has on our body. This treatment includes the person’s eating pattern and how to change it. The second is about thinking which includes our negative thoughts that lead to weight management or weight gain problems. The great Sufi poet Rumi once remarked, “the satiated man and the hungry man do not see the same thing when they look upon a loaf of bread.” Psychology includes various issues including eating disorders, weight management, cravings, a moderate-balanced variety of food our brain depends on, food marketing, a healthy relationship with food, etc. It states food is a natural medicine and also has the power to cure almost every problem as what we eat directly reflects the health of our body.
Weight management is one of the major issues in this, it is all about changing a lifestyle and changing the thinking also. Treatment of any disease would require a lot of time and patience. Weight loss management requires maintaining healthy lifestyle, patience and proper diet plan along with physical activity. There are some points that one has to follow to have a healthy lifestyle:
Never miss breakfasts
Do keep track of your eating habits
Do drink plenty of water
Do something interesting when you are bored rather than eating
Try to add a variety of food to your life not limited to only certain food items
Stay with the people who support and encourage you
Think positive and do positive things
Do make healthy food choices
Don’t skip meals
Sometimes food is used as a negative coping mechanism. You must have heard people saying that they had a terrible day then suddenly they ate a bowl of ice cream and chocolates. This is an example of a coping mechanism; it is about eating unhealthy food for provisional good feelings and then going into a pang of deep guilt. This is how the food may have a negative impact on your body. Cravings are when we desire deeply a certain food that is the mainly unhealthy or sugary thing. This mainly is related to memory, pleasure, and reward and results in hormonal imbalance. This may be caused by emotional status, eaten for basically comforting ourselves. That is why cravings are said to be connected to neurological desire.
Ultimately food is not just a means of filling the stomach. Developing a relationship with food is a mindset. It includes listening to our body what it needs, eating food slowly, and considering whether you are hungry or not. When we eat, we engage our heart, soul, and brain in it with pureness. Our food works as a natural medicine for our body.