Of A Brilliant Teacher and A Sincere Student


Life has many shades and it keeps changing like the weather, depending upon the circumstances and the surroundings. Each shade teaches you something important which leaves great impact on us.

I am narrating a true story, which has impacted me to a great extent. My cousin, an IPS Officer, with an impeccable track record, an upright, honest and a decorated cop, like every officer wanted his only son to follow his footsteps and crack civil services examination. With this dream and desire he put his son in one of the most prestigious and reputed school in Delhi, where sons and daughters of the civil servants get preference in admission.

However, the son had his own script to write and not follow his father, as he had seen his father survive on the meager salary he gets, with which you cannot buy the luxury in today’s world, unless you choose to compromise with your dignity, which was neither in the blood of father nor son.

Finally, the son opted to walk his way and took to one of the noblest professions, and successfully became a lawyer. But he had challenges and every step was like climbing Everest. Nonetheless, he did not leave hope and continued with his struggle, knowing well that he will not have any support or godfather to help survive his gestation period, which is very tough for any first-generation lawyer.

It was in the evening of 12th December, 2019, one of the dear friends of my nephew was involved in an accident. An elderly person fractured his leg in the accident, the matter was reported to police. The friend was detained, who otherwise had done no crime but was just a victim of unfortunate circumstances.

However, our legal system is such, that howsoever innocent you are, you have to pass through the test and rigors of the criminal procedure code, drafted by the British way back in 18th century. Apprehending arrest and getting implicated in a grave case, the friend called up my nephew, who immediately rushed on the spot. After, having understood the situation, my nephew tried to explain that this is just an accident and none can be found at fault, this however, did not impress the cops who insisted to register an FIR and book the poor friend of my nephew in a false case of rash and negligent driving.

Finding the situation going out of control, my nephew (a young and enthusiastic lawyer) called his father for help, requesting him to speak to the cops and manage the situation.

As I have mentioned that my brother a disciplined officer, refused to help his son. Which is one side of his coin? However, as a father, he thought of helping him, but he had a very legitimate question in his mind ‘should I intervene’?

When he was unable to justify himself, he called me and asked for my opinion, since I am also a lawyer by profession. Since I know my brother, how great a teacher he is, I immediately responded, you are right in refusing to help him.

I then called up my nephew and asked him about the facts; he narrated me the event and told me that he will deal with the situation in his own way. Though, he had not carried very positive feel for my brother, and during conversation I had with him, he went ballistic against my brother showing his anguish, claiming his father knows the SSP and one phone call can ease the situation.

As I know both my brother and my nephew very well, while I was proud with the approach of my cousin, I was equally confident of my nephew’s caliber.

After, hours of marathon neotiations, finally I got a call from my nephew who was overwhelmed and full of joy in sharing that he was able to resolve the matter on his own terms, without help of his father.

I felt touched. While my brother is “Virus” my nephew is “Rancho” (refer to 3 Idots). I know my brother, who is a great teacher, equally is my nephew who is a brilliant student. You cannot make a brilliant student unless you have great teachers.

Lucky, I have both.

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