Activists throw soup on glass-protected Mona Lisa in Paris


Two protesters in Paris expressed their demand for "healthy and sustainable food" by throwing soup at Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa", AFP reported. The painting is protected by bullet-proof glass.

The video footage showed two women tossing red soup onto Leonard da Vinci's masterpiece. The activists slipped beneath a security barrier to get close to the painting, and were eventually escorted away by security guards from the Louvre.

The activists shouted in French, "What is more important? Art or the right to have a healthy and sustainable food system?"

The protesters, were part of the French group "Riposte Alimentaire" (Food Response), who issued a statement saying the protest sought to show how important it is to protect the environment and sources of food.

The incident on Sunday marks the most recent attack on the masterpiece within the Louvre museum in the French capital, following a custard pie thrown at it in May 2022. Fortunately, the thick glass casing successfully protected the iconic painting from any damage.

(With inputs from agencies)


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