Stay Hydrated With A Smart Water Bottle Hydration Tracker


New Delhi: Your body is comprised of over 70% water, this you probably learned in health class when you were in high school. This hydration throughout your body controls more aspects than you may realize, helping to improve blood circulation, prevent headaches, and to balance out your natural cooling processes. However, many people don’t drink enough water in their diet.

Drinking water is the simplest thing we can do to feel our best every day. But with daily distractions, millions of us don't take care of ourselves the way we should. We simply forget. 

Studies show that the average person should take their weight, divide it in half, and the resulting number is the equivalent number of ounces of water they need. You may struggle to make this type of change in your diet, but using the H2OPal Smart Bottle can make it easy.

A US-based start-up Out Of Galaxy has developed a $99 (about Rs. 6,400) smart bottle called H2OPal which automatically tracks a user's hydration level via an app. The bottle syncs data with the 'H2OPal' app on a user's Smartphone and sends personalised reminders to drink water. 

When it comes to building a successful habit, having a sense of progress is incredibly important but tracking your water intake manually isn’t easy. H2OPal solves this as it helps you to see how much water you drink on a regular basis by tracking the information from a sensor that you place on your water bottle.

With this knowledge, you can determine how much more you need to drink during the day, helping you to improve your productivity, focus, and even your health by reversing your dehydrated state.

It also automatically adjusts users' goals based on their physique and activity.
How Does It Work?

There are two components that this system relies on – the H2OPal sensor and the H2OPal app.It is not rechargeable, since it specifically uses a coin cell battery. The length of use will largely depend on how often you use H2OPal, but it should last for about 4 months.

The sensor H2Opal is designed to be applied to the outside of your water bottle, featuring a vacuum seal and magnetic connections. With multiple different types of technology, it’s able to measure the water level in the bottle, but it can only detect this level when your water bottle is still. Once the information is recorded, it is sent to the H2OPal app.

The H2OPal works with the iPhone, but it may soon be compatible with Android devices. This app collects information whenever you take a drink or refill it, followed by setting the bottle down. It’s able to detect every time you take a sip, as it measures what you drink.
The app is also programmed to notify you when you need to drink your water, helping you to create better nutritional choices. You don’t even need to change any settings for the notifications to take place, so you can just worry about drinking water and staying hydrated.

It’s easy to see your progress towards your goals, the app also integrates with your wearable’s to help tune your water goals even more accurately to your activities. Using your location also, the app can adjust your daily water goal depending on the temperature, humidity, and elevation of your surroundings.

  • Why It's Important To Keep Hydrated:
  • Water makes up two-thirds of the weight of a healthy human body
  • Most important chemical reactions that happen in the body need water to take place
  • Water is important for blood to carry nutrients in the body and get rid of waste 
  • Dehydration can cause headaches, lethargy, chest pains and faintness 
  • Water keeps skin looking supple, moisturising and keeping healthy from the inside out
  • Women should drink 1.6 litres a day (eight glasses) and men, 2 litres (ten glasses)

         Your health should be your biggest priority, and losing out on the hydration that you need will only lead to more problems later. You need to be proactive in your approach, but your willpower may not be up to the task. Therefore, to help you form better drinking habits, you must have to rely on the technology like this.

While the smart bottle concept isn't entirely new, the other such examples include; ‘The STYR Smart Bottle’, ‘Hidrate's new Spark 2.0’ and ‘The Spring’ etc.

But the most amazing part about H2OPal is that, while most companies force you to purchase a water bottle, this technology is so advanced that you can apply it to a water bottle that you already have and love.



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