#GDPData: On Silence of #ArvindKejriwal

32Death of former President Pranab Kumar Mukherjee on a day when the GDP slumped by over 23% saved the government many a blushes. Since Mukherjee belonged to the Congress, its media department gave priority to condolence message on Pranab than running a campaign on the historical slump of economy. However, the party did record its point of view and gave enough indications that it was going to keep the government on the toes on the matter. However, what has started whispers is the complete silence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on the matter. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader is known to set his tongue wagging against opponents at the drop of the hat but of late he has remained muted in his criticism of the Centre and the BJP’s central leaders. People say there is some substance in the talk that AAP has increasingly taken on the role of BJP’s hatchet man.

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