Gestures in diplomacy reflect how a host country perceives a visiting dignitary and wants to be perceived in return. On this count, Prime Minister NarendraModi’ Israel visit, a first by any Indian premier, was brimming overwith symbolism sending out the message that both the countries are eager to take the diplomatic ties to a higher plane.
As Modi disembarked on Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurionairport, his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu was present at the tarmac to welcome him, putting all protocols aside, an honour previously accorded to the US President and the Pope. His words – “Aapkaswagathaimere dost.We have been waiting for almost 70 years (for a visit of an Indian Prime Minister)” – reflected a nation’s long cherished yearning.
Another gesture from Netanyahu was of no less import when he said that India-Israel’s friendship was a “marriage made in made in heaven”, despite the fact that he had said the same thing about the Israel-Chinese relations in March this year.On the last day of the Modi’strip to Israel, Netanyahu himself drove him in a jeep to Dor beach in Haifa and later gave him a signed photograph which Modi shared on Twitter.