To Be Heard In Delhi, Gorkhas Need To Move Beyond Darjeeling Bandh

Opinio12There is a fatigue which sets in each time there is an agitation. That’s the time when matters cool down and shortly it’s back to business. Bandhs have a limited shelf life unless supplemented by the power to debate. Both the process must run concurrently and simultaneously ensuring that the democratic nonviolent methods dominate. 

The Gorkhas have made Gorkhaland an emotive issue, but the real time need is to think on how to carry this exercise forward -- through power of debate, creating favourable public opinion and expressing one's cause at national level.

Some things are crystal clear, as brought out earlier on June 20 in these very columns. Trinamool Congress government in Kolkata created a situation of unrest to counter influence of both the BJP and GJM in the hill areas.

It’s doubtful that the BJP would support cause of Gorkhaland at the cost of Bengal; caputuring power at the Writer’s Building is their long term political ambition. Civil Society from all corners of the nation has come out in support of Gorkhaland. However, the local political class, sees this as a Darjeeling centric movement, which hurts the overall identity issue.

Darjeeling may be at the core of protests the other areas such as Doars and Siliguri are silent. Decisions are made in Delhi, the media is active in Delhi, and the Gorkhas have a few dedicated workers in Delhi, that too with limited means. Bengal government has completed the isolation by shutting down internet services at Darjeeling and there is no national outrage at it.  
Few years agao, the Gujjars, in order to be heard, had laid siege to Delhi. The move got everyone thinking and talking. The means employed may not necessarily be the best but nevertheless they are effective. On the other hand, there was a blockage lasting for months in Manipur, but it was too far away to bother New Delhi.

The Gorkhas need to get New Delhi’s attention and the call for bandh has to be supplemented by other efforts to make Delhi hear the grievances. The strength of Gorkha civil society lies, in its loyalty, honesty, dedication and selfless service to the nation. The political  class only see Darjeeling as a piece of real estate to be governed; civil society sees this as an identity issue.

The Gorkhas are spread thin in all the hill states of the nation, divided by geography and not very well connected even in the age of internet and social media. Being friendly people they have adapted to local conditions and being staunch Hindus merge seamlessly nationally. The word Gorkhas is derived from GauRakshak, and owes their ancestry to Guru Gorakhnath, who fought to prevent cow slaughter, the Khukri is a gift from the seer to these warriors. 

Today nationality and citizenship is best defined as having necessary documents to prove one's identity. Thus the Gorkha identity suffers and the civil society needs answers.

Civil society and the political class need to come together in a more cohesive manner, and attract New Delhi’s attention through democratic non-violent means.  There is a cause and others know about it.If Mizoram, where the author served just after the peace accord was signed, can with five to six lakhpopulation prosper so can Gorkhaland. It’s never too late to sit down and think of Gorkhaland as a national issue and not just limited to Darjeeling.


(The writer is an Indian Army veteran who has authored books Gorkha: In Search Of Identity and Gorkha: Society andPolitics)


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