Following the UN Conference on Human Environment in 1972, we have been organising World Environment Day functions on June 5 in the form of planting tree, cleanness drive etc. However it has not yet become mass movement for every citizen and every locality. In 2017, theme deals with ‘Connecting People to Nature’. 2017 host country Canada got to choose the theme and will be at the focal point of celebrations around the world.
Need to Change our Attitude from Divorcing nature to Connecting Nature
Our divorce with nature started when we became prisoner of our greed and started careless application of technology. Nature satisfies our need not greed. This theme encourages us to think about how Indian people are part of nature and how closely we depend on it since Ancient times. India is land of villages and nature provides us to get diverse and panoramic outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its significance for our livelihood, and to take forward initiatives to protect the nature Earth that we share. Nature provided us to find exciting ways to experience Himalaya, long coastal lines, Rajasthan desert, Peninsular India, Biotic hotspot of North east. We need to respect such vital interrelationship.
Nature: Cashless Treasurer in India
Indian farmers and fishermen harness nature on land and under water to provide us with food. Indian scientists develop medicines particularly traditional medicines using genetic material from the millions of species available from nature. Rural people in India spend every day ‘connected to nature’ and use natural water supplies. Farmers get their livelihoods in the form of fertile soil. They are first victim when natural environments suffer by land degradation, pollution, climate change or over-use of resources. It is a cashless treasurer and not possible to measure through ecosystem services.
Nature satisfies our Basic Need not Greed
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed, said Mahatma Gandhi. We can say that there is enough for the need of every nation but not enough for the greed of even one nation. It must come through self-realization. The ultimate aim of Gandhi Ji was not simply to present a condemnation of the modern civilization but to suggest an alternative path.
Food continues to be First Priority available from Nature
We get food, fuel, fodder and shelter from nature. Drastic change of the global food and agriculture system is needed if we are to feed today’s 925 million hungry and additional 2 billion people expected by 2050. It is necessary to remember two points:
The concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the India's poor, to which adequate priority should be given; and the idea of limitations brought by the state of technology and social institutions on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs. So, Connecting nature means promoting the idea of change that social, ecological and economic progresses are all achievable within the limits of our earth’s natural resources. In agriculture, forestry and the fisheries sectors involves conservation of land, water, plant and animal genetic sources so that they does not degrade the environment.
Nature provide raw materials to industries
Green Jobs: green jobs, are positions in agriculture industry, services and administration that contribute to preserving or restoring the quality of environment.
Sustainable Energy: sustainable energy is needed for strengthening economies, protecting ecosystems and achieving equity. A sustainable energy for all initiative to ensure universal access to modern energy services, improve efficiency and increase of renewable sources.
Natural Environment is receptor of the Waste
The challenges of cities like pollutions, congestion, inadequate housings, declining infrastructures, etc. can be overcome in ways that allow them to thrive and grow while improving resources use and reducing pollution and poverty. We need to achieve resource recovery from the wastes.
The Tragedy of Commons
Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate sanitation negatively impact food security, livelihood choices and educational opportunities for poor families across world. Drought afflicts some of the world’s poorest countries, worsening hunger and malnutrition. By 2050, at least 1 in 4 is likely to live a country affected by chronic or recurring shortages of fresh water.
Oceans and seas are very essential resources and regulator of the climate, precipitations, vital gases like oxygen and CO2. Besides these, they are the important medium for the trade and transportations.
Need to evolve multi-Dimensional Approaches
Recent scientific innovations be used to tackle growing environmental problems such as climate change. Paris climate negotiation is helping us to understand that natural life support systems are for our own prosperity and well-being. After USA withdrawal from Paris agreement, response of European Union, India, Chinaand Canada for continuing with treaty is appropriate sign for our commitment towards nature.
This includes
• Multi-level Approach
• Cross-sectoral Approaches
• Multi-stakeholder Approaches
• MAPS (Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support) Approach
Science for Sustainable Nature Development under PM Modi New India
Achievements of New India depends on:
- Trans-disciplinarity (Interdisciplinarity and Participatory Approaches).
- Science-Policy Interface for Sustainable Development.
- Policy Relevant Analysis
- Community Relevant Analysis
The platform for sustainable development could be dialogue with youth and women from 40,000 colleges, 800 Universities. If 100 important institutions like the Delhi University, JNU andIISc can take up responsibility to communicate with policy makers, we can bring substantial change for food security, water security, energy security, livelihood security, housing security, and nature security etc.
(The author is Vice President: International Geographical Union (IGU), Professor, Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi)