The Doklam plateau standoff with the Chinese, and the Gorkhaland agitation are both running concurrently, and the Chinese are past masters in the art of fishing in troubled waters. Today, they have done it with the political class of the nation; tomorrow they will try it with the ongoing agitation of Gorkhaland.
The agitation is located guarding the Northern approach as we term it in military parlance of the “Chicken Neck”. The Chicken Neck is a narrow piece of land connecting the North East with the rest of India. It has Bhutan on one side, Bangladesh on the other side, and a troubled Siliguri district where the Gorkha land agitation is on, also colloquially called the “Siliguri corridor”.
Gorkhaland as brought out time and again by this author fits well into the security structure of the modern look east policy of India. The aim of the Chinese is to touch a key core concern of India that is threaten the Chicken Neck a narrow piece of land that connects the rest of North East India with the mainland.
Once a road is built by the Chinese at Tri Junction, where the current military standoff is taking place, this area comes under medium artillery range and can be interdicted at will. China also bullies Bhutan thus tests whether India will stand besides Bhutan to further test Nepal India relations. The Chinese have diplomatically built inroads into Nepal and are testing the waters militarily. India has a special place in foreign policy of Nepal; vide the first four of the ten clauses treaty of friendship 1950 with Nepal.
Too many birds are being killed with this geo strategic move. Into all this the national political landscape has added a surcharged drama of vote bank politics right at the moment when it should have been all hands on deck to fight the Chinese.
The Chinese in 1962 before the commencement of the war often with loud speakers would try and brainwash Major (later Col) Dhan Singh Thapa (PVC), company in Ladhak by saying you all are Gorkhas and go back to Nepal. They got a befitting reply and will continue to get one from the proud Gorkhas, but to leave this open wound of 107 years without central assistance, denied internet for more than sixteen days, and six deaths, without a parliament body going there to hear people grievances located on the troubled borders with Bhutan, Bangladesh and Now China is not statesmanship.
The Chinese intrusion into the Tri junction where the Indian Army is preparing for the long haul implies India must quickly ensure this security aspect where it is being stated that a foreign hand is visible needs urgent attention. The only foreign hand is changing the demographic profile in Bengal where villages which once had a Hindu population of 85% now have a Muslim population of 85%. The Gorkha land agitation quickly needs central intervention.
The Indian Army raised Sikkim Scout battalion in 2013 and had them operational by 2015, just like Ladhak, Kumaon, and Garhwal Scouts. It’s time we saw national defence in a holistic manner. The Gorkha does national service and are and will be the best guardians of national security.
(The writer is an Indian Army veteran who has authored books Gorkha: In Search Of Identity and Gorkha: Society and Politics)