India is grappling with the massive outbreak of Coronavirus, with around 2 lakh cases, fifth ongoing lockdown and excessive shortage of proper healthcare infrastructure, and no vaccine for cure.
All the sufferings have now left their shadow in our mind, leading to mental disorders like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobia, bipolar disorder and many more. Thus, a looming mental health crisis has ushered in. India’s was vulnerable to such crisis because it already had scanty mental healthcare staff and huge gaps in system. There are only 9,000 psychiatrists for 1.3 billion people.
Anandita Goyal, a psychiatrist had to counsel herself after her sister studying in London tested positive for Coronavirus, she suffered through remorse that she couldn’t manage to bring her back. In other incident, Ram Manohar, a shopkeeper says, “A day after PM announced the lockdown, I woke up sweating in the middle of night, having a panic attack and I thought that I have acquired the virus.” These are only a few stories but during COVID, every house has a story of mental disorder to tell.