Only ‘Few Cups A Day’ Of Green Tea Keeps Ailments Away


New Delhi: Tea cultivation and its systematic consumption for both, refreshment as well as medicinal purposes, has its legendary origin way back in the 3rd century A.D in China. 
Tea has been an integral part of Indian culture even before the British started commercial production of the beverage as late as the 16th century. The earliest recorded physical evidence of tea consumption in China is said to have come from the period of Emperor Jing of Han dynasty as early as 2nd century B.C.  Documented evidence suggests it may have been consumed for its restorative benefits even earlier.
Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 913

Obsesity Is Now An Epidemic, Fight To End It


 As we continue to modernize our lifestyles — riding instead of walking, working in a cubicle instead of a field, playing iPods instead of sports — more people are becoming overweight and, worse, obese. In fact, there are so many overweight and obese people that some public health officials now call it an epidemic, particularly because of the many resulting health problems.
Massive global research project reveals 30 percent of the world's population affected by weight problems.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 980

A Cup Of Coffee: A Cup Of Controversy


When asked if a cup of coffee is healthy or dangerous. The answer depends on who you ask. It can be a wonderful beverage or an addictive poison.
Coffee is actually a complex beverage containing hundreds of bioactive compounds. In fact for many it is a single biggest source of antioxidant intake by a person.
Studies also reveal that person in taking coffee regularly has a lower risk of diseases like type two diabetes, neurological disorders, depression, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and many liver diseases.
Written by Khabar Bureau
Hits: 977

Cinnamon: A Spice to Tackle Metabolic Syndrome


New Delhi: Three grams of hand-powdered cinnamon a day may help reverse metabolic syndrome, a state of health that raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes and strokes, medical researchers said.
In a recent clinical trial, the National Diabetes, Obesity & Cholesterol Foundation (N-DOC), Institute of Home Economics (University of Delhi) and Fortis CDOC Hospital for Diabetes and Allied Sciences investigated the effect of simple dietary intervention i.e. cinnamon among Indians, who have much greater propensity to develop multiple metabolic problems leading to diabetes at an early age.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 916

On Doctor’s Day: Revisiting Role Of A Doctor


Today is Doctors’ Day and on this occasion, I take this opportunity to revisit the role of a doctor.
Chapter 10, shloka 21 of the Bhagwad Gita gives the definition of God, when Krishna reveals himself to Arjuna by saying, “Adityanamahaṁviṣhṇurjyotiṣhaṁraviranśhuman, marichirmarutamasminakṣhatraṇamahaṁśhaśhi”, which translates as “Of the twelve Adityas, I am Vishnu, of all luminaries, the radiant sun, of the seven Maruts, I am Marichi and of the constellations, I am the moon.” All these phenomena are the manifestations of Krishna.

Written by Dr KK Aggarwal
Hits: 1226