The Powerful and Influential Women in American Politics


New Delhi: Appointment of Nirmala Sitharaman as Defence Minister has started a discussion all over again of women in powerful positions. History hasn't always been kind to women who want to serve their country by entering the political area. However, that hasn't stopped them from doing so.
Whether they fought for women's rights, freedom from slavery, workplace fairness, education or their personal beliefs, these women earned their place in history and paved the way for future generations.
The history of women in American politics too is just as long as that of the nation as a whole. Some of them wielded their influence in the nation's earliest days and others have only recently been elected to office. And, of course, that history is still being written by many women who have yet to make it to the history books.
Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 1778

OMG! What Happens When A Bee Stings


New Delhi: For most people, a bee sting is just a nuisance. You may experience temporary sharp pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and itching at the sting site, but no serious complications. If you’re allergic to bees, or you get stung multiple times, bee stings can be more problematic. They can even be life-threatening.
According to the University of California Integrated Pest Management Program, “Only a very limited portion of the population — one to two people out of 1,000 — is allergic or hypersensitive to bee or wasp stings.” 
Where is the most painful place for a bee sting?
One researcher decided to investigate how different sting locations around the body compared on a rating scale for pain.
Written by PriyankaTomar
Hits: 4362

29 Indian cities Vulnerable to Earthquake; Wake Up, Before Its Too Late


New Delhi: Last thursday an earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale jolted Gilgit in the Baltistan region of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) and its adjoining areas. People came out of their homes in panic, though luckily no loss of life or property was reported due to the earthquake.
According to Pakistan's National Seismic Monitoring Centre, the epicenter of the quake which struck on early Monday morning was located 35 kilometres southwest of Skardu at the depth of 15 kilometres. This is not the first earthquake in the Himlayas but for the past several years, quakes have caused major loss to life and property across the mighty mountain ranges. Be it Pakistan, China, Nepal, India or the other neigbouring countries, the threat is equal.
The threat to India, given its varied geographical features, is varied.According to the recent National Centre for Seismology (NCS), Twenty-nine Indian cities and towns, including Delhi and capitals of nine states, fall under "severe" to "very severe" seismic zones which mean they are highly vulnerable to earthquakes.
Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 3858

Toilet: A Distant Dream for Many


But the reality was-- it wasnot the time yet. The next morning I accompanied my grandfather to the village grocer and found lumps of stool every two palm distance. I saw people pooping on the edge of the road. Iwas shocked not because of the people but because of the fact that the road was newly constructed and people there had no better use of it other than using the edge of the road as toilet.

I asked and discussed about it to my grandfather. I asked him whythese peopledon't usetoilets?The answer was these are from scheduled caste communities of thevillage, they don't use toilets even if they have.The statement pierced through me exposing the prevailing socialdivide in the society.

Written by Neeti Jha
Hits: 1663

Mental Illness: Not Much Understood, Poorly Portrayed


New Delhi: “Darkness was her only companion at that time.” 

Talking about mental health, Ashok Taliyan, a resident from Gurgaon explains her daughter’s situation when she suffered from-acute depression and anxiety. He said she couldn’t sleep and just remain confined to her room.“At the initial stage, we didn’t realize that there was a problem but after we consulted a psychiatrist, we understood the issue, decided to address it and did not feel ashamed about our daughter’s illness and nobody should be,” says Taliyan.

Any sign of deviating from the expected and usual, emotionally and behaviorally, is viewed with a sense of horror. For Indians, Mental Illness is still a taboo and we prefer not to talk about it. But one will be appalled to know that at least 60 million Indians suffer from mental disorders.

Written by Priyanka Tomar
Hits: 1646