The Indian nation has a deep sense of history and a proud tradition of soldiering, yet today there is a distinct lack of strategic psyche. New Delhi is more adept at thinking economically and garnering votes. Matters defence are always under played and there is a culture of allowing the events to adrift thus following a wait and watch policy.
India follows a reactive policy as far as its geostrategic interests are concerned. As a nation post-independence New Delhi is always reacting, China in Tibet,
Pakistan gave away Aksai Chin, Pakistan’s invasion of “47, infiltrators in ’65, recent Kargil, and an ongoing violent insurgency for which there have been no clear cut directions; New Delhi, is never proactive. The net results are two, firstly the nation lost whatever strategic space there was to China, and with Pakistan it’s a history of blunders right from 1947 onwards. Secondly the security forces are always hampered as the geostrategic environment to ensure success except Bangladesh in ’71 is not created.
There is no use crying over spilled milk, the current situation in J&K, and internally the Maoist security related operations, all are bleeding the Indian state.The cream of the nation is bleeding and this will increase as those who are affected it seems, neither have the answers, or psyche to be affected by the harsh reality. The cowardly acts will always be regretted by the spokesperson, but that is where matters rest.