The decision of some of the Opposition parties to field former Speaker Meira Kumar as candidate against the NDA presidential nominee Ram NathKovind has brought into focus the question whether it is necessary to make the elections contestable every time? Rationally speaking, the question seems odd and irrelevant in a democratic system.
Election, after all, is the most important ingredient of democracy and electoral contest is the way to provide opportunity to the electors to make a choice of the best candidate. Even then, the question is important for the simple reason that the highest executive authority of India was made to be elected indirectly by an electoral college consisting of the elected members of Parliament and state legislative Assemblies.
This provision was made under the constitution after a serious discussion on various modes of electing the President of India. The choice of indirect election was justified on the ground that such a system will ensure not only the choice of the best candidate in terms of her/his caliber- educational, social, political and cultural – it was also expected to make him rise above the hustle and bustle of politics.This type of election was supposed to make her/him apolitical while the nation would be saved from the economic burden of a like of general election at the same time.